New idea in multiplayer

We cant join some of players or you dont want to play in multiplayer or a game is full i think we would watch the rooms instead joining. When a multiplayer game is disabled for you then go watch it if a game is laggy for you watch it you can chat and everyone can see
After joining in right side where we chat wnd others will recive this message " Player X is watching this match"



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it would be cool for when you don’t wanna play but still wanna watch others play live


This has been suggested before known as Spectator

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Yep, few times already in fact:

But why they dont add it :confused:

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This idea is good tho.

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I mean. Look at the forum. Or even just my ideas collection topic:
Collection of ideas liked by InterAction Studios

There’s a shit-ton of ideas here. IA’s only one developer (and he refuses to recruit more people) and still uses his own game engine to make games. That takes time and effort. He’s crazy good with C++ game engine as it runs like smooth butter on many devices, but that’s probably why new content comes rarely.

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I really want ia to add this

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