CIU version 147 BETA


There aren’t many player-facing changes in this update. Nevertheless, a large part of the game has been reworked for better compatibility with the upcoming individual Episodes (which are coming for Android). There are actually several thousand code changes touching more than 600 files, so… uh… please test thoroughly.

As part of these reworks, all your saved Mission Config presets have been reset, so you’ll need to save them again.

Note that in this BETA, CI2U, CI3U, CI4U and CI5U are still available to catch any bug regressions.

You can skip/warp around waves: Press SHIFT+keys 0-9, -, = to set chapter (from 1 to 12), or press 0-9 keys to set wave in chapter (from 1 to 10).

:arrow_down: Download the BETA from:

You can link your existing account that you normally use. Progress on the BETA server is completely separate from the LIVE server. It’s based on a database snapshot when the previous version was released, so your progress will be rolled back slightly (when compared to your live account). And, when the new version is officially released, any progress you made on the BETA server will be lost. Also, any translation changes will also be lost.

Multiplayer games will work, however note that your network connectivity will not be correctly detected by the BETA server (I think it will always say “Port-restricted cone NAT”). If there is a discrepancy between detection and your actual NAT type, then you will not be able to join some multiplayer games (even if they are listed). If the discrepancy lies on the host side, then none of the guests will be able to connect.


damn, that explained the recent development

i would consider this a major update after a while

well, I used “skip wave” to skip to wave 32 - chapter 4 of CI5U, and it crashed the game. Currently, I cannot enter the game by my main account (edit: it keeps getting crashed and closing the window immediately when I click on the ‘Play’ button), but the game works fine with my ‘guest’ account.

edit 2: only the planetary chapters kick me out of the game, the other chapters are still fine.

Oof, yes
It even didn’t announce me any “error” box. :skull:
Guys, don’t play CI5U until being fixed. You may lose you current account in BETA.

I had my Wine set to block the connection and noticed that languages require you to connect to server to change them.
Which makes sense for the ones that need to be downloaded, but I assume English language is always available in the game, right? (certainly the beta doesn’t only have Polish language pack) Maybe allow players to change language without internet connection (which will be useful once there is some offline content to play)

inviting everyone to compare me

Found the problem with planetary levels:

[main] 2024-07-16 F+10 +64 94(): Connected to server ID: 710
[main] 2024-07-16 96(): Server epoch: 2024-07-16 13.21.47
[main] 2024-07-16 97(): Our time: 2024-07-16 13.21.47
[main] 2024-07-16 F+32 +200 81(): Possessing user username.
[main] 2024-07-16 F+16 +331 > S 18 | Creating SERVER host…
[main] 2024-07-16 38(): Creating emulated localhost connection:
[main] 2024-07-16 77(): Done.
[main] 2024-07-16 1233(): Setting mouse capture to {true}
[main] 2024-07-16 > S 104 | Generating mission {CODENAME_EPISODE_CI5} 12x10 waves.
[main] 2024-07-16 +3 291(): Raw metrics for font ‘[mediumHUD]’: height=36, ascender=30, descender=-6, maxDigitWidth=9, finalization=2.4ms
[main] 2024-07-16 +6 291(): Raw metrics for font ‘[largeCI5]’: height=70, ascender=56, descender=-13, maxDigitWidth=16, finalization=5.1ms
[main] 2024-07-16 71(): Found wave savegame data (everyone).
[main] 2024-07-16 255(): Attempting to load ‘./levels/cave.lev’.
[main] 2024-07-16 285(): Failed with fileError 2 (No such file or directory)

plays CI2 episode

shoots at the chicken

game crashes

Check your drive_c/ProgramData/InterAction studios/CIU/beta/147 CIU.log immediately so it doesn’t overwrite with new gameplay.

I want Know If My Idea is Good in Next Version

Continuing the discussion from CIU version 146:

and Add it Like That

How did your game get this much detailed log file? Mine just cut off like this:

Plus, crash happens not only in Episode missions. It happens when playing regular missions as well.

The only thing that comes to mind is that maybe it’s because of Wine. But IA doesn’t do anything if it detects Wine so that can’t be it.

Which ones exactly? I played on guest account so I had to finish 7 waves on a planet, played few waves in CI2U and then tried planetary chapters in CI5U which resulted in instant crash.

Chicken Invasion, Boss Rush, etc.
Literally, all of them.

Ok hold up, playing the game with guest account doesn’t make the game crash. What?!

Critical bug: Game crashes when damaging enemies (except for Guest accounts)

Unadressed issue:

That would explain why I haven’t encountered anything yet.
But it’s a weird bug. And there’s nothing in the logs that could explain that.

It could be because of logging level had been set to low, which I doubt it was DEBUG level.

The lowest I knew so far was TRACE level.

I’m so glad someone’s brought this up again. I believe this is expected with fonts other than Fira Sans, but still, I can confirm this with an unmodded copy:

Here (the best one I got)

Bug 2: Coldman medal not awarded even if the player doesn’t overheat in “Your First Mission”

Uh did the server crash or just went offline?