CIU version 146 BETA

For me seashell will be good because it contains Peral which is a type of treasure

i can’t play on beta because everyone ciu forums connection slower speed on internet.

Yo Can the Alien Containers be a Little Fridge for summer, here is a photo about it


this keeps happening

make it a box of produce (fruits or vegetables)

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I’ve changed the galaxy colors, but I don’t want to change the starfield because that’s a cascading change that will affect a lot of things.

Changed in v.146.3 :medal_sports: Idea

Theoretically they could, but practically pearls look just like orbs – nobody will understand what they are (especially since they are colorized bronze and gold)



No. Alien Container has been changed into Watermelon.


@VerMishelb 's bugs post is missing from the “Known bugs and new features” section.

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This is the third time, and I definitely remember adding that. Something must have happened and Discourse didn’t save my changes.


on that note there’s Easter and Christmas which had recolored logo elements in the episodes but not here

I don’t know if it’s a bug or not, but the chickens wearing black and white shirts in CI3U are not the same as the other chickens that only have sunglasses. So can you turn these chickens into naked chickens and give yourself a black and white float to resemble the other chickens?

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Changed in v.146.3 :medal_sports: Idea

Fixed in v.146.3 :medal_sports: Bug


@InterAction_studios Hi, just wondering if you received my private message yet or haven’t. Hope I didn’t do anything mistakenly.

Were y’all talking about cuisines because I’ve got an idea for a new one.

I call it the “Camping Cuisine,” basically what it would have is, marshmallows, graham crackers, chocolate, and hotdogs, and maybe anything you would have at a campfire.

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what kind of explain suggestion bug in ci5u cinematic feathers no surfboard from summer.

Hello, I would like to add an Android version of CIU beta, please.

Not now yet, after applying the season, the advance review will upload the link soon.

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Fixed in v.146.3 :medal_sports: Bug



v.146.3 is now available.

:arrow_down: Download the BETA from: