CIU version 146 BETA


Summer Edition :sunglasses:

Summer content starts on June 1st, so you’ll need to manually enable it for now.

Also, there has been a dangerous change related to Color Themes, so please report any color-related problems.

Note that in this BETA, CI2U, CI3U, CI4U and CI5U are still available to catch any bug regressions.

You can skip/warp around waves: Press SHIFT+keys 0-9, -, = to set chapter (from 1 to 12), or press 0-9 keys to set wave in chapter (from 1 to 10).

:arrow_down: Download the BETA from:

You can link your existing account that you normally use. Progress on the BETA server is completely separate from the LIVE server. It’s based on a database snapshot when v.145 was released, so your progress will be rolled back slightly (when compared to your live account). And, when the new version is officially released, any progress you made on the BETA server will be lost. Also, any translation changes will also be lost.

Multiplayer games will work, however note that your network connectivity will not be correctly detected by the BETA server (I think it will always say “Port-restricted cone NAT”). If there is a discrepancy between detection and your actual NAT type, then you will not be able to join some multiplayer games (even if they are listed). If the discrepancy lies on the host side, then none of the guests will be able to connect.


Is this intended?




Never I thought to see seashells falling from space like it’s raining


Bro ask yourself why snow falling from space


Can you remove the asteroids’ trails in the summer edition?

Will you also bring back Thanksgiving?

Hm… I’m not entirely sure that would be appropriate. There’s still smoke in the Christmas edition, right?

That’s a configuration error. Edit CIU.cfg.static and change the following line from:




:medal_sports: Bug


Right. The smoke is actually colored white there.

As for the Summer edition, what do you guys think? Should the smoke trails for asteroids (or beach balls in this edition) be removed?

  • Yes, remove them!
  • No, keep them.
0 voters

Can you make the Paratrooper chickens from CI2 have consistent coloring with the Summer chickens?


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Please remind the welcoming committee to bring its swimbelt by the next release.


nice clothes you have there

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Yes, you can have them. :smirk:

A version of the CI3 UCO without the glass is also needed.

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Maybe the Superchick could also fire yellow-orange beam too?


Currently, the overdressed chicken’s red tinting – which shows how hot it is – seems to depend on its remaining health. This is more evident if you fight it in CI3U. Is it possible to make it depend on how many clothes it’s wearing?

  • I agree, this should be changed
  • I disagree, leave it as is
0 voters

In CIU, the swimtubes get colorized, but in CI3U, they do not.


In CI3U’s meteor storm cutscene, upon the beach ball’s impact with the spacecraft, it should:

  • Not split up into smaller ones, and
  • Make a deflating sound like the other balls instead of the unique breaking asteroid sound.

I think part of the ball should be covered in mud or something

  1. Pain expression “top beak” of Super-Chick in Summer seasonal doesn’t up moves.
    bandicam 2024-05-18 09-35-49-207
  2. Make Alchemist Chicken wearing summer brimmed hat in summer edition.
  3. Freckled Chicken in Armored Chicken doesn’t have sunglasses in summer seasonal.
  4. Adds bright red shinniness to Balloon Chicken’s body in summer seasonal (while holding the balloon).
  5. Missing red wattles in bottom beak of Infini-Chick in summer edition.