CIU version 146 BETA

Crazy thing: Chickens drop the pearls

look i was before from reporting so confused but medal’s idea.

Is it already suggested?

Changed in v.146.3 :medal_sports: Idea


Was she just a crush or a girlfriend?

In CI4U, upon completing a stage, the stage music plays but the transition interferes right before the music finishes playing.

After changing all the enemies and bosses reskin in the entire CI2U summer edition. Is it possible to change the chicken reskin in CI2U ending cutscene (hero uses laser cannon to shoot regular chicken)? CIU v146.2 CI2U summer seasonal ending cutscene is still normal.

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Well, since any semblance of sanity has long since gone out the window in this reskin…

… added in v.146.3 :medal_sports: Idea

Is that with Pro-gamer on? In that case, it’s known.

Fixed in v.146.3 :medal_sports: Bug


what about an ice cube as an egg? :ice_cube:

I got another idea
to add new background in galaxy store contains the ocean

something like this


I wasn’t joking about hard-boiled eggs though. They could still look the same, but instead of splatting on impact with the bottom screen it could burst similar to christmas baubles.

i was thinking molotovs for some reason

or maybe even sand balls that crumble upon hitting the ground (there’s no ground in space)

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Epsilon Thalassus from wish dot com

This is a photo taken above ocean water. Can’t be a background for outer space.

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During the rainy season, the treasure can be changed into seashells in the summer

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Are you talking about the chest in wave “Treasure Showers”? No, the chest has been changed into Ice cream.


Speaking about the Treasure Chest, is it too weird when a value thing like the chest was changed into a food type (not a special value thing) like ice cream? This haven’t been happened in other season content.


I know I put it as an idea but it won’t use let IA just edit it

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i agree, i think it should be changed to seashells

Should iA change the ice-creams in “Treasure Shower”?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
If yes, then what it should be?
  • Seashells
  • Oysters
0 voters

It should look like this:-




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