As you can see, League at this moment contains many problems, which allow crazy-seeking-dare-points-players namely JR80 wreak havoc everywhere. Or in another word, 100 players can attack on only one victim without any limitation. Moreover, League doesn’t have any reward right now, that’s the reason why this mode is leak of motivation to players.
Before, @ScarletCuboids have already made an idea about how to change this mode, but iA ignore. So i think this is my turn.
I. Ranking
Based on dare points players have, they can be ranked.
Rank-up: When you have more than enough points to get in the next rank, you will have Rank-up Dare. This kind of dare doesn’t affect the dare points you have. After each 5 matchs, based on the result, you will be ranked up or be force to play another 5 matchs again.
Silver: Win 1/5 match.
Gold: Win 2/5 matchs.
Diamond: Win 3/5 matchs.
Master: Win 4/5 matchs.
Grandmaster: Win 5/5 matchs.
Ranking up from Grandmaster to One Of A Kind: Because of the special criteria of One Of A Kind, so no Rank-up Dare is applied.
Rank-down: If you have less points than the limit of the rank you are in (For example, rank Gold but have 539 points, in the next match, you must take enough points to return to the limit. If not, you will be ranked down.
1. Bronze
This is where everyone start. Once we were all newbie, so at least, this rank should be respected as well. Let’s begin our journey to the top.
Condition: Below than 520 dare points.
First reach this rank: Nothing (What did you expect, everyone start at this rank)
End at here when the season end: 500 keys
2. Silver
After some easy fights, you reach here. Can’t say that you are either good or bad. Don’t be satisfied with this achievement, do you ?
Condition: 520-540 dare points.
First reach this rank: 100 keys
End at here when the season end: 1000 keys
3. Gold
In the perspective of UHF, this rank is the borderline of casual and good players. Continue the journey or not is up to you. Good luck.
Condition: 540-560 dare points.
First reach this rank: 200 keys
End at here when the season end: 2000 keys
4. Diamond
Welcome you to the land of experts. You can consider this rank as a pedal when you want to climb another steps to higher ranks.
Condition: 560-580 dare points.
First reach this rank: 500 keys
End at here when the season end: 3000 keys
Limitation: (It’s worth it because this rank is for good players)
Honor penalty is applied when Honor points drop down to 20.
Hornor penalty expire after 5 days instead of 3 days.
5. Master
Anyone at this rank is the elite of the UHF. Somehow, you are a goal for nearly everyone to achieve. Congratulation.
Condition: Over 580 dare points.
First reach this rank: 800 keys
End at here when the season end: 4000 keys
Limitation: Same as Diamond
6. Grandmaster
Welcome you to the top of the UHF! This rank is the highest we can take, isn’t it ?
Over 620 dare points
Top 100 of the server. For example, 100th have 627 points, so in order to enter Grandmaster, 101st must have more than that. If not, 101st will be ranked Master instead.
First reach this rank: 1000 keys
End at here when the season end: 5000 keys
Honor penalty is applied when Honor points drop down to 30.
Hornor penalty expire after 7 days instead of 3 or 5 days.
No decline dare. If any dare send to the player expire without respond, not only dare points is lost, but also 5 Honor points lost.
7. One Of A Kind
Truthfully, this is not only a rank, but also an appreciation from UHF to the top of the top. Welcome to the true highest rank.
Being a Grandmaster.
Top 10 of Grandmaster. For example, if 10th have 634 points, you must have more than that to enter One Of A Kind. Of course if you do that, 10th player will dropped to 11th, and rank down to Grandmaster.
First reach this rank: 1500 keys
Daily reward at this rank: 100 keys.
End at here when the season end:
5000 keys
Cubic Boron Arsenide Heat Sink (Legendary) x1
Proton-Proton Chain Reactor (Legendary) x1
Hall-Effect Thruster (Legendary) x1
Honor penalty is applied when Honor points drop down to 40.
Honor penalty expire after 7 days. As what make this rank special, 2 dare points is also lost as an additional penalty at this rank.
No decline dare. If any dare send to the player expire without respond, not only dare points is lost, but also 10 Honor points lost.
II. Dare rules
The same points-calculation system is still applied.
However, there are some minor limitation to every players to avoid bad behaviors:
Can only dare 3 times in a day (Expect Rank-Up Dare, this kind of dare have no limitation). This is applied to make this mode become less chaotic. Imagine what can happen if a player can spend a whole day to just dare and dare.
Can receive only 3 dares in a day (Expect Rank-Up Dare, this kind of dare have no limitation). This is applied to make players less likely to be overload of pressure, specially higher ranks. No one want to be the target of the whole game, right ?
The cooldown time between 2 dare in a player is extended to 3 days. I’m sure that no one want a player dare them continuously and rampage them.
Honor penalty:
- At the start of the season. Every players have 100 Honor points, and that is the maximum points a player can have.
Each day, gain 10 Honor points.
Surrender in a dare will decrease 25 Honor points.
Decline a dare will decrease 10 Honor points.
In a dare, if the winner have more than 300% points of the loser, 30 Honor points is lost (Deliberately lost suspection). For example, if the loser have 3,000,000 points in a dare, and the winner have more than 9,000,000 points, then the loser will lose 30 Honor points.
- If Honor points drop down to 0, the player will have to suffer the penalty. However, Diamond’s and Master’s limit is 20, Grandmaster’s limit is 30, and One Of A Kind’s limit is 40.
Cannot dare when the penalty is applied. Also, no player can dare them too. When the penalty is expired, the player will instantly have 50 Honor points.
If a player have Honor penalty the 3rd time, that player will be disqualified from the current season. No reward is given for them in the end of the current season. In the next season, that player must start all over again in the Bronze rank, at 510 points. Finally, that player will be erased from the current leaderboard.
III. League’s Qualification Match
- 7 days before a season, League mode will announce an qualification match, the information will be inside the Event’s inbox.
- Based on the result, the world record player will start in the season at Silver 530 dare points, the lowest will start at Bronze 510 dare points. Anyone join in League without playing qualification match will start at the basic Bronze 500 dare points.
- League’s Qualification Match:
- Mission type: Hybrid
- Length: 6x6
- Environment: Based on the special environments of the curent season.
IV. Season
In March, June, September and December, 4 seasons will be held.
Each season is unique, its missions have specific condition based on what real life weather is it. For example, a season in spring will have no bad environment in most of its missions, when a season in winter will have cold environment in most of its missions.
Moreover, some season will be unique because of its name.
Now, season have some specific rules:
A season will be last for a month, from the 1st of that month.
In the next season, every players will start from where they end at the last season, with no lost of dare points. For example, if you have 606,4 dare points after a season, then in the next season, you will still have 606,4 dare points and the same rank.
You are not able to dare outside of the seasons. This means that League are only active on 4 months.
Now, we should go to the seasons. If iA accept this idea, he will think about initial seasons, but you know what ? I will do that at 6 first seasons.
1. Season 1: Legend
Time: 1st March → 31st March (2022)
Special condition:
From the name: Most of missions will be harder than 60%-60%.
From the weather: Nothing
2. Season 2: Descendant
Time: 1st June → 30th June (2022)
Special condition:
From the name: Nothing
From the weather: Hot environment
3. Season 3: Continuum
Time: 1st September → 30th September (2022)
Special condition:
From the name: Nothing
From the weather: Electric environment
4. Season 4: Chaos
Time: 1st December → 31st December (2022)
Special condition:
From the name: Electric, Massive environment
From the weather: Cold environment
5. Season 5: Dark Era
Time: 1st March → 31st March (2023)
Special condition:
From the name: Darkness missions
From the weather: Nothing
6. Season 6: Riot
Time: 1st June → 30th June (2023)
Special condition:
From the name: Boss Rush in most of missions
From the weather: Hot envirionment
V. Menu
Clicking “Ranking”
Clicking “Instruction”
Clicking “Seasons”
Clicking a finished season
Clicking the presenting season
- Clicking Dare button: (Notify that difficulty will be hidden)
Prepare before flying dare
Automatic wait screen (5 seconds) before flying the dare (Reveal the difficulty)
- Base idea: VN™|C0mplex
- Art: @windinecraft (His callsign is Windy)
We hope to hear your comments. No idea is perfect, even if i spent a whole month on this idea. Truthfully, i have never spent so much efforts for an idea like this.
@InterAction_studios You know that everyone want a change in League. Many efforts have been wasted, so at least, can you take a look on this ?
Sincerely releasing this idea. Thank you !