Post your Chicken Invaders artwork!

Some kind of evil chicken robot(Iron shef vol.2). He use 2 chickens for his power, they are like the space crab cuvette. As you can see at the top are the 3 breed colors of the chickens. It can atack you with forks, can trow a chicken legs, forks, chicken bones and can to grieve your spaceship if its too slow. I didn’t suggest it for idea, because there’s no point. I draw it to reborn the topic, saying IA to unlock it.

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original made by PacManVietNam


Cool. You missed the

Terrible, Eh?


Guess what else has returned? Enjoy this little CI3 wallpaper I put together some time ago.

Wanna use this as a desktop wallpaper? Go ahead.


He’s hid behind the Earth :>

My first pixel art ever!


H&C 101 Clay

Sorry about the picture too bright. But my little brother destroyed that H&C


Well…my first thought was of a pacifier.

clean your mind

Ha! I just saved this topic from being locked!

But this topic has been disabled auto-close by iA (it used to be closed and someone requested iA to do so).


Well, excuse me for not knowing it. I was literelly inactive for half a year!

It literally wasn’t literally

What’s this, ChickenInvader45 uploading one of his creations? And it’s only been a month?

Yes. So ever since the new breeds and the Heavy Bomber were released, I wanted to something about them. Two problems:

  1. I didn’t have the Heavy Bomber assets back then
  2. Art block (no inspiration)

The time has passed, though! Now, don’t expect frequent posts or anything, but on the meantime, have this!

Now about this piece:

  1. The main highlights are the Heavy Bomber ship and the new chicken breeds. You can see a little formation in the image, showing a Slob Chicken (the only one I have yet to encounter in-game) surrounded by Toxic and Coward Chickens.
  2. The Heavy Bomber you see is equipped with @GgWw1175’s Krypton Phaser (the newest one, read more about it here)
  3. You can see in the background my random weapon gift (more info here), only included it for fun.
  4. If you look real carefully, you can spot some Constructor Chickens (concept by @kokokokos, more info on this link) repairing the Yolk-Star™.

Aaaaaand that’s it! Let me know what you think.


Nice but that big chicken looks uhhh idk drunk or something :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@LeeMacCloudy You’re free to raid my DMs, but please leave other topics alone with your spam, thanks.

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What does this stand for?

Direct Messages.



Got gnomed

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