⚠ Exploit & cheating policy

No Ask Ericbruh! is that a Problem?

Uhh…? No! nothing!

Look what I found
It’s them again


Indeed. Banned.


Just wasting time do nothing but insulting.

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Who is this?


what is the “call Bad words” mean??
i only know swearing

Why do you include the “not me” in there? It’s not like someone is telling that that account is yours

Hey don’t involve me into this

What? I’m not understand what your saying…
Also i don’t care what they did, or how bad they were
Pls not involve @Error_Bonnie here, he didn’t do that

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This topic was automatically opened after 2 days.

I have some question.

  1. What if cheating was triggered by an virus/malware? Can this game detect it? If so, can it will be a ban exception?
  2. Had iA ever considered to use a controllable AI-based anti cheat? I have seen some giant game companies used that, and it could save iA a lot of time, which could be used for productive work.
  3. Should this policy be updated? In fact that the policy doesn’t match the current penalties for exploiting & cheating (cheating resulted in 1 month ban, or longer if cheating again & catastrophic cheats ; exploit resulted in disqualifying a mission and revoking rewards) . Also, the current penalties are stable.

Strictly speaking, it’s you who installed the said malware, so…

Is it the same anti-cheat that stalks you in the tray while the game is not launched and prevents Proton from working whatsoever?

These/This user(s) was previously banned but they bypassed the ban

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These are guest accounts. But it has been proved that Tom was innocent (about swearing in the forum). But still, he deserves the ban.

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I’m confused if this is all bots or alt accounts, or real people. (Decided to post it here cause it looked suspicious)

guest accounts mostly
this was from update to v138


Is this allowed?

Double ship on 1 cursor to get double/extra power

Stacking ships in multiplayer? How is this unfair?

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