you are an error
Nos, szerintem ez egy kifejezetten jó ötlet, hogy a régi játékokat egy új játékmotoron de nem tökéletes.
Újabb operációs rendszerekkel is kompatibilis és nem kell harmadik feles programot használni (pl:DgVoodo).
Az irányítás sokkal egyszerűbb és fluidabb lett.
A játék néha egyszerűen csak lefagy és gyakran újra kell indítani.
A játék legtöbb új funkciója fizetéshez van kötve és semmilyen módod sincs arra hogy felold őket kulcsal ami egy kihagyot ziccer (tisztában vagyok vele hogy a béta verzióban ingyen feltudod oldani a játékot meg ilyenek de ha a CIU-ben meglehettet oldani azt hogy CHL-es tárgyakat akkárki feltudja oldani egy kis idő ráfordítással akkor itt sem lenne az nehéz).
A játék indítása után egyből bedob egy tutorial küldetésbe( amiből nyilván kitudsz lépni).
Nem tökéletes dolgok
A magyar fordításban nem minden lett még lefordítva, de tudom hogy még ez csak egy béta és nem 1 óra vagy 2 lefordítani egy játékot.
De ami le van fordítva az tökéletes úgyhogy a fordítóknak szeretnék gratulálni hogy ennyire sok időt és energiát fektetnek ebbe az egészbe ezt írónia nélkül mondom.
Szóval ez a játék egy jó újragondolása az eredeti 2002 es verziónak ami nem tökéletes de így is átadja az eredeti által képviselt történetet és vízíót.
Akinek nem tetszik annak még mindig ott van a 11-es újra gondolás ami megegyezik a 2002 es változattal.
Speak English only here
(google translate moment)
Üdvözöljük a fórumon. Kérjük, fontolja meg, hogy csak angolul és angolul beszél. A szabályok be nem tartása és be nem tartása megtorlást von maga után.
You know, replying to others in a language other than English in private conversations isn’t against the rules… Right?
I cant see the image
Fixed in v.6
Well, there’s no historical comparison for those ships, so I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the CIU defaults (especially now that they have no paint scratches by default).
Added in v.7 Idea
Fixed in v.7 Bug
Fixed in v.7 Bug
Which sun corona??
Why? There’s no harm in entering/quitting of you made a mistake.
There’s always a missile available to avoid magically adding a missile mid-mission.
This is what they look like (since adding the “Percentage bars now support 3-color gradients” feature)
Added in v.7 Idea
I recall someone else mentioned this, please remind me to share medal.
This option is there for consistency (CI4 has multiple starfields)
Fixed in v.7 Bug
No, this is for existing (or new) IA customers only.
Are you talking about bringing back the 3-minute version of the song? No.
If the music actually plays at the wrong point in the game, then please post again.
Wait, isn’t there always have some extra missiles in the tutorial mission from Episodes?
I don’t know, can you explain this for more details? Since we can collect about 7-8 missiles maximum in the tutorial mission from Episodes, which they are too much in my opinion.
Ohh, i forgot that
which they are too much in my opinion
What difference does it make? You get unlimited missiles during the tutorial anyway.
v.7 is now available.
Download the BETA from:
guys is this a replacement for cixu or it’s another remastered version of cix?
I mean after finishing these things will it get add at ciu?
Which sun corona??
He’s referring to the one that appears when you have both “Massive environment” and “Hot environment” applied for a mission. While I’d suggest getting rid of it altogether, the Sun chapter exists. Perhaps it would be best that the corona would be present only in said chapter.
is this a replacement for cixu
No. The Episodes will come in both standalone releases and as DLCs for CIU.
giving bonus keys and scores for who fly with environments or anything that makes mission harder
You can already earn more keys through medals and the Scout ship, and you can earn more points by enabling modifiers (including environments) in the scoring category. Harder skill levels also allow you to gain even more of both.
I see that IA just remasted Christmas theme at new ci2
so, it will be fair if IA make other themes for other seasons
I mean IA said no more music for seasons and it got remaster
and even if IA can’t handle music or copyright, we can handle it
that’s why we are here
another thing I suggest giving bonus keys and scores for who fly with environments or anything that makes mission harder and decrease bonuces for who use anything that makes mission easier to be fair
Are you talking about bringing back the 3-minute version of the song?
Yes, that’s what i’m talking about.
then again please bring back the 3-minute version of chiptune version of christmas edition main theme because it really did broke that when you did brought back the chiptune music in the next wave remastered.
then again please bring back
he already said no
What difference does it make?
I mean…
Why we need so much missiles for just a short tutorial mission? While “newbie” can pass those waves easily (*), they may use about 2-4 missiles in case they are too … uh, panic. or something else like that.
(*)Is the “Surfing the wave” wave really easy for newbie player?
Can the sun Corona in episodes be yellow?
Fixed in v.8 Bug
Can we add Button that Increase the rate of falling atoms and gifts?
As a scoring modifier? Perhaps. Poll it.
please bring back the 3-minute version of chiptune version of christmas edition main theme
Changed in v.8 Idea
Is the “Surfing the wave” wave really easy for newbie player
Changed in v.8 Idea
As a scoring modifier? Perhaps. Poll it.
Just pay extra keys to unlock them like 150 keys and it effects the final score
when enabled it increase rate of falling gifts and atoms at extra 20%
and final score will remove 5% form your last score
something looks like you equipped tourist difficulty
if I can modify this idea, I will say no increase falling rate buttons just increases rate of falling gifts and atoms to 120% at tourist difficulty equipped and decrease it at different difficulties when equipped
rookie = 100% drop rate
seasoned = 95% drop rate
veteran = 90% drop rate
virtuoso = 85% drop rate
superstar hero = 80% drop rate
to enable it add buttons called drop rate difficulty for gifts and atoms