Episode 2 BETA

This is the new reworked “Episode” format* for the CI1-CI5 games.

(*) This replaces the old tentative “Season” naming format.

There are two tiers of functionality in each Episode: unpurchased (“locked”) and purchased (“unlocked”). Roughly speaking, the locked functionality is equivalent to the old stand-alone CI2, and the unlocked mode adds CIU features and enhancements (so that it becomes equivalent to CI2U – that is, Episode DLC within CIU). And, yes, this will eventually also become available as CIU DLC. You can purchase it independently, or as DLC, and you can freely transfer your purchase from one to the other. The UI to do this is already in the game (but it doesn’t do anything yet).

During the BETA, you can unlock the Episode for free. However, note that once you unlock there is no way to re-lock it (except deleting your game data folder at C:\ProgramData\InterAction studios\CIep2), so please make sure you sufficiently test it in its locked state first.

Episodes will not include any on-line functionality. The BETA version does require connection to the server, however (the official release will not).

Episodes use some new text phrases, which are (obviously) not translated yet. Translations will appear within CIU in the next update, so you can translate them there.

You can skip/warp around waves: Press SHIFT+keys 0-9, -, = to set chapter (from 1 to 12), or press 0-9 keys to set wave in chapter (from 1 to 10).

Please report your experiences here.

:arrow_down: Download the BETA from: https://universe.chickeninvaders.com/files/CIep2_BETA_v13_1_0.zip


Very quick question. Is it neccessary to throw the player immediately into mission?

Luckily I could log out and change the language to my preferred one (I only keep OS in native language), but I feel like players would want to first confirm some options.

EDIT: I think keys don’t work correctly. I collected 13 (as shown in stats), but my counter shows 0 and I can’t buy anything.

I think here should be “more spacecrafts”. Firepower is good.


Is there going to be multiplayer in them or is it just going to be through CIU?


Great question. Adding to it. What about local co-op?


Not free anymore :disappointed_relieved:

Hey @InterAction_studios, can the CHL users get discount for the DLC purchase like about $3? And without chl it would be $5? And can they also be gifted to players as well? I mean by the dlc.

credits should probably be edited so it doesn’t say it’s CIU

It was never going to be free. But you can play now before it’s released.

Im not sure if that’s a good idea. Sounds nice though.
Also, we don’t know yet how it will work when somebody owns older episodes (on Steam or Site)

Anyway, was the final boss extremely nerfed or is it just me?

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it’s weird seeing the tutorial mission be an exact copy of the one from CIU, with waves and enemies from that game, it doesn’t even use the default episode ship

I mean chl owners have to get that type of thing since it is a thing in most games I guess, but still, paying $20 for the whole thing is like a waste a bit and then them being a dlc in such a game shouldn’t cost that much maybe the standalone should or must cost even more but ciu I feel like it doesn’t although to get an episode for $3 still ain’t bad for chl owners in my opinion.


why are ci3 weapons available in locked mode?
buying the ci2 background here seems pointless

also curious, is there anti cheat in this?

Why do we even need to pay for this when we already have it?..

If we pay our keys for that, will it stick with us forever or each time we want to play it again, we have to pay for it again?..

Do the medals for finishing entire mission check if 110 waves were finished or are they broken? I skipped to final chapter 2 times and haven’t got any of them.


For a DLC it’s not that bad of a price. Standalone only advantage is that it can be played offline. Though DLC in CIU could also work offline, but that depends how IA implemented it. The offline mode was one of the oldest suggestions for CIU.

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it would be nice if the default paintjobs were styled after the ones in the original games, at least for the Mullers


I will be updating this post the further I go.
As Sammarald said, the default paintjob doesn’t fit the game, at all.

I propose my replica from CIU because I can (for all episodes, in fact, except CI3 because I don’t like the cockpit but that might change later).

The small font must be changed. I can’t unsee the long ‘ю’ now.

This thing should probably fill the corners (or be the circular CI3 style, if anything. Or the original loading bar style).

“Paint spacecraft” has a ton of space on the right but shrinks anyway.

This menu is very overcrowded.

This looks wrong. Maybe the default justification should be by the left edge.

This is hard to read.

The spacing is weird.



Maybe all the HUDs could be grouped in one entry, but most importantly - on PC FHD screen there should be a place to make it 2 columns instead of one long list. I know it was probably made for mobile, but different UI for 2 platforms shouldn’t be impossible:

I haven’t read any posts or played this fully by the time of my writing this, but here’s what I have to say:

1- If you play a new mission then disconnect, the music stops playing.

2- (As of almost 10PM GMT+1) No “Original Music” setting.

3- No “Key Collected x” bonus.

4- (At 10PM) The “Extra Missile!” bonus should be changed to whatever special weapon you have or just “Extra Special Weapon!”

5- (10:03) This may be just RNG, but I only got Ion Blaster gifts in the first stage.

6- (10:10) Add a booster option in the “New Mission” section.

7- Add more ship varieties.

8- (10:25) No mystery bonus on wave 60.

9- (10:46) No pecking orders, if there are supposed to be any.

10- Even if you complete the entire campaign without dying, using satellites, and/or using special weapons, you don’t get their respective medals.

11- You can’t get keys.

12- You should add a confirmation bubble that you will be taken to your website if you click one of the download buttons:

bro gave VF a new gimmick :skull:

13- Why do I not have every weapon unlocked? I’m pretty sure I collected and used every weapon;

moron railgun in ci2!!!1111!1!1!1!1

14- If you’re using any edition (seasonal content) the title should state/convey what edition you’re using;

15- (Universally for all Episodes) Re-implement the feature where medals would get magnified if you hovered over them with fork (mistake intended)

why does it take so long to get to the main section after being defeated? is this a bug?