Early Access version 99

No I don’t see him use emojis or sympols

:heavy_check_mark: : hmm?

Where’s the result?
Screenshot (41)

Maybe a Tie? (oh, forgot you can win with 0.00001% as well)

yo theres no way he will beat liz
no way

Probably hieugaming got disqualified, in that case, the result won’t appear


what would be the cause of this, cheating?

One of two players (or both) got disqualified or got 0 pts

Might have to wait until the next day.

Is this a bug?

I’m feeling uncomfortable right now

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i think this bug is not a big matter to ur game if u dont remember the wave
u can watch the wave on menu

Because I don’t want to say the word that may make other people angry

pretty sure it’s one of the “pause-exactly-when-an-object-spawns bug” because you changed the game 's graphics settings, so it tried to respawn, but failed

it appears at the bottom anyways and the text only appears in 3 seconds so it is #NOTWORTHFIXING

also pls dont switch to other apps while recording it pains me you can always add a title later bro



No. Selfishness

Can we talk more in Private message

Can you add a bonus without score for whole chickens called “Bon Appétit” or “Appetite”
Just like supersize me. And like CI2 but without score from bonus.


Looks like the game is at its perfect state right now (except for League) because there is only a tiny amount of unnecessary bugs every one can think of. Good job @InterAction_studios!
For the future, I suggest fixing the league or preparing for a New Year’s event to celebrate 2022!

Ah, such a classic. i remember the Appetite bonus from CI2. Good old times (also why supersize me gives 5 food points while whole chicken gives 10 :thinking:)