Early Access version 99

The game keeps loading, not letting me in the game
Is this an unexpected feature?

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Well, if customizable visual overheat indicators were added, they might include the option to disable the visual aspect entirely, which just feeds into the point that this feature needs to be customizable.

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I think they’re quite far away from you, to calculate their ping, or the mission is already over.

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Just make it customizable in the gameplay options menu.
I think giving people more freedom for stuff like this is definitely not a bad thing.

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Well, actually, i fixed this bug, but maybe this is not common…?
While i’m trying to join TienHeroCIU’s room, i see that message. But the problem is, i was at school and there’s no wifi there at that time. So, is it a really serious bug or something else?
here’s the capture:

I guess this is more of a steam issue than a CIU bug, steam is trying to sync your save file but it failed.

yea, i really think so

@InterAction_studios Charity turns into real fire power if its player left.
Any player can pick it up and get score for it.
(Same thing happens from CI3 onward)

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will that make players abuse that system, like loose fire power, get charity, leave and repeat

There is no need to lose firepower. Just don’t start with any in the first place on that account

You can actually do this:
Start with the main account
Join with an alt account that has 0 fp.
Once charity drops make the alt leave and then make it rejoin.
Do that each charity and you will farm a lot of fp and score from that.
+ how common fp appear during multiplayer, with this, you will farm many

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Um IA is there an error message name like this?

He had Full Cone NAT

I keep loading to join a game but I can’t
Is this a bug, InterAction studios?

That’s probably because no muitiplayers room are going on, or they are not public

No I was stream sniping Tien Hero CIU and could not find his room

Maybe it was private?

No, if that happens, it should say “No multiplayers room is available now” or something like that.

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oh, I don’t play muiti much

Is lag

No, it is not. I have a strong wi-fi