Early Access version 99

Chill pls.
We want to keep the fp0-fp10 + fp20 system that is in the game right now for all weapons(except for moron railgun).


you probably have the most attention on that “idea medal”
seriously idea medal doesn’t even “worth anything”
and weapon changes when you use BX-9 or whatever at FP11-16


Are you a fool? I came up with the idea for the gun

There is no point in fixing the thing that is not broken.


that volley isn’t boring, the boring thing here is fixing the thing that is not broken

call me fool all you want
all you are trying is bringing old FP 20 utensil to FP15 and fixing the thing that is not broken


we aren’t fools

but you probably are



The problem isn’t that it’d make it “too unique”, the problem is that it’d make it unbalanced. Giving it an upgrade on :zap:15 would make it comparatively stronger than all the other weapons in the range of :zap:15-19, and that is a no-no.


I have anonymize player on but in the galactic cup it still highlight my name

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how do you feel about corn shotgun’s spread
  • it’s really good (needs more spread)
  • it’s fine as it is
  • too luck dependent (too much spread)

0 voters

i hate corn shotgun

tbh the spread isnt that bad
but how randomly it spreads makes it misses most of the projectiles when i actually try to use it
its good for bigger targets tho

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i am a proud shotgun user in almost every game i play, i dare to say shotgun is good

if anyone wants to counter this i have my gfuel ready lets fuckin do this

[[Big Shot]] GUN

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If you want a weapon that can never overheat, then Corn may be the best

I don’t think the corn is that rng dependent. Maybe a slight bit, but generally most of the pellets will hit the target regardless. Tho corn does feel underwhelming at times

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it sucks when it overheats

Corn shotgun is great but damages is low

damage isnt even low, it does 475 damage with lots of pellets at once
tho you cant always hit all of them