Early Access version 99

slap in a scarf


IA, I would like to have sign when Overheating

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I’m my friend Zet and firends
I arrive to vesion 99.1 guys

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Did you mean like this? The overheat symbol will appear below (or above) the ship

Isn’t the broken effect of the asteroid supposed to be the same colour as the Christmas asteroid?


Actually because Big Chicken in CIU wear different color clothes so think just let them wear the Chrismas hat, not changing the clothes like your picture

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In the center of the ship

When I play a mission near the time it sends a bunch of messages daily, it logs me out instantly.
Is this a bug, I.A?

This is because the daily server maintenance takes longer than 30 seconds, so you get disconnected. I’m aware of this issue, but I don’t have a good solution for it yet.


Another thing I found out is that when I open an app while still logged in in the game, it kicks me out in 30-100 seconds. Is there a solution because I have failed quite a lot of mission cause of it!

There, it happened again

this? and should the sign get bigger

It’s kinda weird if you put that on your spacecraft.

yea, i thought the same, maybe nearby will work, idk

hey iA, could you make the lasers at the final phase of Hend Game disappear sooner, before the other lasers arrive?

That’s fit enough. They will change the color later

Who is going to get the Idea medal? You or me?

you can have it, i’ve had well
but wait for iA to consider