Early Access version 98.3

so, where party

You might want to change this

to yellow to white to periwinkle instead, periwinkle has a hex code of 9696ff or something like that where blue’s value is ff and green and red have the exact same value but less than blue. There’s also white which needs to be mentioned.

Cyan on the other hand is equal parts blue and green, think 00ffff or some other code with a small red value but max green and blue value.

here you go

before we only had 4 sun colors after this update the sun will have more colors , why don’t we change the color of sunlight in hot environment like the sun color of that star system
for example

the sun is a bit purple

but when I was on duty there the sunlight was blue


already suggested

hey iA, could you rework the overheating signs by adding a symbol near the overheating, and also the flame symbol for whenever the mission has “hot”.
Because the red “shockwave” from the ship makes it hard to notice for people that equips red ghost trail
Or, the shockwave’s color will match the shield’s color
Example: si


Can we add visual indication customize of overheat warning?

That’s the same thing as the one with ship engines particles long time ago.

Damn I can’t find the og post.

yes, but can you point out an example

i think it looks cool though


I don’t think it’s worth adding yet another key for a fringe scenario. 20+ multiplayer games aren’t that common. Besides, with so many players you can’t even keep track of your spacecraft, so the HUD is the least of your worries :wink:

This is because shell pieces are irregularly shaped, but they collide as circles.

With very few exceptions, I only re-used ready Xmas content from previous episodes that did not require re-rendering of changes in the behaviour. Superchick/Infinichick would require re-rendering due to the moving eyes in CIU. Special Forces/Party require changes to the code.

But I might add some more Christmas content, depending on time and mood.

Fixed in v.99 :medal_sports: Bug

Already fixed, see further up.

That would not achieve anything. The assumption is that you are NOT paying attention to the overheat gauge, that’s why you need a visual indication near your spacecraft.


cool i guess but one question
will egg cannonade be changed for christmas (just asking so it’ll look cool)

thats weird

About that: I once hit part of the shell with Lightning and it didn’t get destroyed because of that reason, but when I moved at it to get away from red ions I got hit. Why?

Also the overheat waning at spaceship scares me during the mission, making me think I got hit. So a option to disable it or at least minimize it would be helpful.

Is capture mouse being on caused this problem :arrow_down:

A player kept joining and timing out at my multiplayer room, after he timed out the 3rd time my game crashed(yes, I am using V98.3):

Well if egg cannon gets changed for christmas then I guess cannonade will too

Early Access Version 40.2

(I don’t know if there is a post even older than this one)


Yes but the ship is not easy to spot everytime, besides, the ship’s colors might be unnoticeable

If that’s the case, could you consider this

Wait a minute… Why am i hearing Space Burger party music? I just muted the music then I can hear Space Burger part music? Why???

Thank you I.A . It is great. Really brings me Christmas joy :snowflake: :snowman_with_snow: :deer: :sled: :santa: :gift: :christmas_tree:


because why not man this is best party

It’s simple, Space Burger music is a sound effect rather than music.