Early Access version 98.3

And another translation glitch


Thanks. This was fixed a few days ago for v.99, but I forgot to update the changelog.


So can I have my first Bug Exterminator medal?
The name is 王齊麟

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As it says here:

But the iA cannot break its own rules

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Thank you for letting know
I just want him to know my name

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Sadly, medals are not awarded for translation-related bugs:

Even if they were, only the first person to report a bug would receive a medal.


Can you make the assassin chick only chase the one who did the first damage to them in multiplayer mode? because in Chicken Exponentiality assassin chick is almost a nightmare with multiplayer mode

Yeah, when someone attacks those, they follow me

Can you give me your normal call sign?

:skull: that’s his callsign and you cant search it without typing it


Changed in v.99 :medal_sports: Idea

Note that this doesn’t make you completely safe, because if the original player disconnects, the assassins will randomly pick a new player to target (which could be you). Also, if the player is dead while the assassin searches for a new target, it will pick a random location instead.


it’s considered sound rather than music in the game

not a player?

Maybe and they will do T-pose

OK I.A, I have tested a bug by spamming squadron invitations (yes, I have also tried contact but you fixed it) and the results are
Please fix this!

No. Once their original target respawns, they will re-acquire him as their target. Until then, they move randomly.

They only target other players if original player disconnects.


wasnt this the same case as Nightcap’s?

That is because when I read about contacts, wouldn’t squadron invitation be the same?

hmm, so they pretty much becomes berserkers until their target respawns

Changed in v.99 :medal_sports: Idea
