Early Access version 98.3

Maybe and they will do T-pose

OK I.A, I have tested a bug by spamming squadron invitations (yes, I have also tried contact but you fixed it) and the results are
Please fix this!

No. Once their original target respawns, they will re-acquire him as their target. Until then, they move randomly.

They only target other players if original player disconnects.


wasnt this the same case as Nightcap’s?

That is because when I read about contacts, wouldn’t squadron invitation be the same?

hmm, so they pretty much becomes berserkers until their target respawns

Changed in v.99 :medal_sports: Idea



I found a bug.

When I shoot the Absolver Beam (Full charge) to destroy the Alien Container and I also pause the game at the same time when it shoot.

After that I see the satellite rotate 90° to the right. And when I return back to the game, the satellite is back to normal.

put a mistletoe on the logo

make vulcan great again

Every bug related to frame-perfect pausing can’t be easily fixed and doesn’t do any harm to the gameplay side.


Ah okay thanks

Not worked

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Is it eligible for a player w/o callsign to get rewards (or flying in competitive missions in general)?


Is this a bug. i flew a hot planet but the light is blue.(maybe in some cases)


it depends on the sun’s color in star system where you are


Why didn’t I get league notifications?
(I mean I didn’t even know I was dared by someone because it didn’t notified me that I was dared)

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same :slight_smile: but i dont care the league :slight_smile:

I think you already got noficationvsome day ago but you ignore it.

Oh, i see. the sun color on my current system is actually blue. thanks