Early Access version 94


Two things to look out for in this update:

  • Your preferences have been reset in order to fix a memory corruption bug. (Preferences include: Galaxy hamburger menu (smooth zoom, notifications), Galaxy Overlay, tutorial messages)

  • Scoring for the Galactic Cup has changed: Winner always gets 100 points. Loser gets points proportional to scoring difference (loser’s score / winner’s score). The new scoring rules apply retroactively to ongoing Galactic Cup #4 (i.e., your points have been recalculated).

And, as usual, a slew of multiplayer enhancements.

You can read more about multiplayer here: 🚀 Multiplayer

Bug/Idea medals will be awarded later in the day. :warning: Your medal cannot be awarded if your in-game callsign doesn’t match your forum name (send it to me in a private message).


You will lose:

  • any in-mission progress
  • all graphics options, which includes your window/borderless/fullscreen setting.


:new: New features – :bulb: Tweaks – :bug: Bug fixes – :gear: Internal changes

  • :gear: Deleted users who haven’t logged in during the past 4 weeks and have less than an hour of playtime, and also users who haven’t logged in during the past week and have less than 10 minutes of playtime, and also users who haven’t logged in during the last 12 months and haven’t set an e-mail. Note that users with any purchase are never deleted.
  • :bug: Multiplayer: Fixed contacts-only games allowing entry to non-established contacts (@OneWingLunarian :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :bug: Fixed satellites appearing facing to the right (@trueuser :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :bug: Multiplayer browser: Added “hybrid” and “ironman” icons so that placeholders are not shown (@trueuser :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :gear: Multiplayer host now restarts conversation before responding to latency request.
  • :bug: [incomplete v.89 fix] Reset all user preferences in order to fix memory corruption bug. Preferences include: Galaxy hamburger menu (smooth zoom, notifications), Galaxy Overlay, tutorial messages. (@DiamondGameZ :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :bulb: Supernova direction is now decided per-stage (was per-mission) (@SA-GoldenBoss128 :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :bug: Inbox: Cup messages are now sorted at the top (@SA-GoldenBoss128 :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :bulb: Multiplayer: Anomaly zones now also change global gravity when stepped on by the host (@Piotrek1113 @AmirMohammad.as :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :bulb: Multiplayer: Removed “under development” warnings.
  • :gear: Fixed bug: v.93 would ignore v.92 game configuration data when upgrading (it would instead upgrade from v.91 data, though, which masked the problem for most users).
  • :bulb: Added warning that competitive missions flown as multiplayer are automatically disqualified. (@SA-GoldenBoss128 :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :bulb: Added multiplayer tutorial.
  • :gear: Translations: Made multiplayer text translatable.
  • :bug: Multiplayer: Fixed “weapon virtuosity” for Moron and “Medal of Extreme Unpreparedness” being awarded to everyone based on host’s values, rather than each individual guest’s.
  • :gear: Strengthened anti-cheat measures for multiplayer games.
  • :bulb: Changed order of “Contacts-only” and “Everyone” multiplayer options (@SA-GoldenBoss128 :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :gear: Multiplayer: Fixed issue where subsequent “network connectivity” detections would fail when forcing a UDP port (caused by lingering UDP conversations). (@Taubsi :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :bulb: Galactic Cup scoring has now changed: Winner always gets 100 points. Loser gets points proportional to scoring difference (loser’s score / winner’s score). (@C0mplex :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :bulb: Multiplayer in-mission pause menu: Removed warning about disqualification (@SonicCrazyExe :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :new: Multiplayer: Added “private” (password-protected) games.
  • :gear: Translations: Added “New” sorting criterion, which (approximately) sorts by order in which phrases were added to the game (most recent at the top).
  • :gear: Translations: Added “Approve existing translation” button.
  • :bulb: Multiplayer browser: Skill is now also shown.
  • :bulb: Replaced Early Access banner with nag (Q: Is it still Early Access? A: Yes, it is). Nags are never shown for accounts with purchases, or accounts less than tier 3.
  • :bulb: Multiplayer browser: Disabled skill selection in “Mission Config” screen. (@AmirMohammad.as :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :bulb: Missions screen: Missions with an all-time best result of “PARTIAL” are now marked with a grey tickmark (@SA-GoldenBoss128 :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :bug: Galactic Cup: Fixed incorrect re-calculation of points for Cup #4 (@C0mplex :medal_sports: Bug)

v94.2 Emergency patch (server-side)

  • :gear: Completely fixed this bug: Multiplayer: Fixed issue where subsequent “network connectivity” detections would fail when forcing a UDP port (caused by lingering UDP conversations).

v94.3 Emergency patch (server-side)

  • :gear: Instrumented server to debug “lives to remove” violations.

v94.4 Emergency patch (server-side)

  • :bulb: Missions flown as multiplayer can no longer be reflown/favourited/assigned (@CattyCheese :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :gear: Instrumented server to measure maintenance timings.
  • :gear: Server is now compiled with -O2 instead of -O0 (improves maintenance times) (@SonicCrazyExe :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :bulb: Galactic Cup: Top-4 players now advance to knockout rounds if there are 8+ players in each group, and top-8 advance for 16 players (@Tin :medal_sports: Idea)

What? V95? We now on V94

Yes !
At last!



oh it’s 4 now

Glad to see this :smiley:

However, isn’t something wrong when you recaculate the points everyone get ? Due to the new way to caculate score, the maximum points a player can get when they play 20 matchs is 2000 score, not 2127 points :frowning:


@InterAction_studios What are these ads for?

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Isn’t that obvious?


This image is cursed. It has no AD (nag) for no known reason. (Tested on a guest account, same result).

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which ads bro
i cant see anything

Because this idea was declined by most forum users.


the license banner

Why are some matches 0.0 - 0.0?

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Can you add I’ll be Back to Boss Rush ? idk is this a good idea or not


@InterAction_studios for multiplayer menu i suggest to add like environnement stuff below names since there is a little space there

Instead, why don’t we think the 2nd boss for Droid raid mission .-.??

i have an idea about that boss, but not now

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From what I hear, iA will not gonna put this boss on Boss Rush.

but why?

It’s called the secret boss :slight_smile:

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