Early Access version 81

Fixed in v.82 :medal_sports: Bug (shared @Pidgey)

“Massive” (slow movement) and “hot” (faster overheat) environments are two separate things. “Massive” can be combined with “cold”.

On the contrary. “Always on” items are only purchased once, so they should naturally be more expensive. And these particular ones affect your galaxy exploration in a major way. I’d argue that at maximum upgrade levels, they’re even breaking it. You can upgrade them 75% of the way (which costs about 50% of the total cost) and still get most of the benefit, it’s not necessary to max them out.


There’s no point having a 7th and 8th upgrade level like that though… Perhaps reduce their upgrade cost increase by 25%? (or reduce the amount of upgrade levels)


I do not know why these upgrades are even purchaseable in the first place. This kind of tupgrade should be rewards for tiering up, rather than just another grindfest. It may actually even give an incentive for tiering up rather than grinding. Buying everything with keys does get incredibly repetitve after a while.


So can we have a positive ability for cold missions?
such as slower over heat or faster speed

They are called environmental hazards for a reason. They should give the player a disadvantage.
Or at least make it challenging for them.

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Yeah, no, I disagree. There could be a trade-offs approach, like your ship doesn’t heat as much, but enemies are healthier. That, combined with the visibility could actually engage the player in an interesting way instead of just a buff to the difficulty of a mission.


How about make it so that the weapons takes a little longer to start shooting for cold environment? Freezing ‘n’ stuff.


Can we have this health bar’s color, green to red?
Something like barriers’ heath bar

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Then what about 5% slower overheat with 10% slower shooting

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The visibility is disadvantage enough.

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Explain why not. At least make the ship slower while clearing the ice.

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No, we don’t want two environments with the same effect.

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Already suggested. Slower overheat with slower fire rate will turn all frozen missions in “hot but more annoying”.

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Slower overheat is fine, slower firerate is not. There’s nothing wrong with trade-offs imo.


It’s 2 days nothing happening here :joy:
I thing this is the first time

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well you just made something happen right now


Appearantly the king crab in Double Team is kinda sussy.

I keep dying to his hand.

dont say me noob, I’m just evading other guy attack.


Who can defeat it this fast on a high difficulty?

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Bombers and Damage amps exist.