Early Access version 81

iOS has even stricter restrictions than Google, so it’s a very long shot. At this point you could just not put it on mobile, and maybe run a Kickstarter instead. That would generate a considerable amount of revenue, and it has the benefit of attracting a pretty large chunk of new players in. After that, the main revenue priority can be giving actual incentive to buy the CHL, like Club Penguin did. It looks like not a lot of stuff is being restricted, but there still is a lot of restricted stuff and people will eventually buy it. If done correctly, it can provide a pretty stable source of revenue. All this will also allow to work around mobile limitations and create a properly fleshed out game with long requested utility features like satellite/weapon switching, etc. Some new elements can also be added, and the major file size limitation can be ignored because it’s usually a norm for Steam games to be big. Another bonus factor is that CIU is extremely well optimized and thus it is nigh impossible to find players restricted due to low specs.

That is a terrible idea. Google doesn’t care about anything posted on Twitter as well, and people are going to see it as “toxicity” or if they don’t the actually toxic people show up and try to cancel iA or something similar. Twitter is definitely not a good idea.


I have to agree, but at least iOS didn’t remove the other iA games from the I-Tunes Store


Personally I feel like it’s too much trouble just to get ad-revenue in, because ads are hated by people and if there are no ads on PC, people are going to switch to PC either way. It’s just not worth it in my opinion.

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Well you can’t take a pc in the trip, unless that’s some kind of laptop.


Plus internet connection issues


CIU is online, so even if you did have a laptop with you you wouldn’t be able to play it on the go unless you’re at one place or something. Besides:

It would be better to port CIU on Switch for on the go playing because of the above mentioned reason, plus Switch controls would be easier to work with than say with touchscreen.

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Aren’t you appealing to get your account back?

You can atleast leave APK to be downloaded from your site.

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Can this functionality be extended over to PC as well?

Yeah, but iOS applies its rules quite fairly compared to the autistic bullshit that Google does.

This. The competitive nature of CIU makes it so that a PC player would be at an inherent advantage to their peers on mobile, given the lack of ads and overall better controls. The mobile requirements are proving to be too much of a hassle for player that won’t be too dedicated to the game.

Well, there’s @Kylo-Hen, whose PC seems to be so abysmal to the point that photon lags. Though I suspect this may be an edge case.

That’s kind of a risky bet. A really risky one, since I doubt there’s much overlap between those willing to support developers on Kickstarter and those that know of Chicken Invaders.

This this this this. The CHL could use with so much more currently. I’d say that, along with unlocking some mid-game level “quests” with another DLC adding end-game content for those truly interested in seeing everything the game has to offer.

Also RIP Club Penguin

Actually, Google does care about its Twitter handles. Numerous youtubers have drawn attention to their problems by posting on Twitter, though whether their cases have been resolved is a different story. Though iA has never really been someone with a large following, it won’t really make too much of a difference if he posts or not, really. It’s still not a very good idea.

Yeah, but APK doesn’t give you ad revenue, so.


Hey @InterAction_studios What will you do to all these copies and imitation on Google play?


Unless if iA just made a demo version and a full version you have to buy, right?

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You can’t buy full version while Google is blocking stuff. You’re in a loop.

I mean the apk itself from iA, it’s purchase will be like pc

I was reporting that second-hand - it doesn’t really “lag” for me. I get a very slight frame rate drop when there’s a particularly high projectile count.

(You’re right in saying my computer isn’t very fancy tho)

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iA how about if someone dared me I can’t dare them again until I finish their dare first?.


iA, how about contact status have more color?

no color/blank = offline
light blue = online
yellow = idle
green = doing a mission
red = doing a competitive mission

  • more indication would work. Sure
  • eh, nah.
0 voters

this was stolen inspired by both Discord and Steam


yay discord status


da fast

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Yes but how could Idle work?


5 minutes of not doing anything

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I actually like the idea, but the issue is that it would clash with colour themes.

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