Early Access version 74.2

Donny, beat half-unfortune encounter and iA will add

I think I may have found a bug. When zooming out in galaxy view, I saw this constellation that I had not at all explored being shown. I don’t know what could have possibly caused this.

first off, i think no, especially with the almighty Metal Henship (mysterious ship) it is painful, like extremely painful, like you have to dodge fast asteroids while you have to predict that where the MS will shoot? no please, second of all, with “Barrier ability” bosses (GRSC 2.0), it could be quite painful as well

i give you a challenge, beat a 1/2 unforcunate ucho encounter, without screaming/breathing AT ALL

If manipulator isn’t fair… how a boss that spawns walls (and is almost as big as 1\4 the screen) and that force you to have a degree in astrophisics just to avoid the other boss pattern is fair?

Since I’m not as skilled as a lot of other players can you please prove me that I’m wrong?

Jst remove the asteroid shield and make him afk for a while

Actually, its current health is more of a bug, because I copied over the settings from “Twice Infinity”, in which boss health is halved (because there’s two of them). So 100% would be the original intent. We can always nerf it, of course. But try it out first.

Changed in v.75 :medal_sports: Idea


Those ones are still possible, but when it comes to things blocking everything you shoot, that’s just a no no.

Take UCO #4 and Attack of the Giant Crab. That one is hard, but still possible. It just requires a lot of foresight, and pattern recognition.

Magnetic Manipulator on the other hand just prevents you from getting anything done at all. Especially Crab + Magnetic. And when he does his meteor storm attack while some guy is firing everything in the kitchen at you… you’ll see just how bad it’ll be.

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Huh. I don’t know either :thinking:

Did you play the game at all for that 1 hour between the 1st and 2nd galaxy regenerations? Perphaps that’s the point where you spawned during the 1st reneneration.

Actually, that’s probably the cause. I can’t just take back that exploration, but it will throw off your galaxy exploration total. I’ve made a note to award your bug medal when I get around to actually fixing it.


Oh yeah, forgot to suggest this:

Increase the size of Crab v2.0’s forcefield in Double Team. The current size allows you to stand right below the forcefield and not die.

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why must you hurt us this way


I might have. I played it during 74.1. I think it could have been because I didn’t travel to anything in the constellation I spawned in and went out to another constellation entirely. Because I didn’t actually go to any star system in the constellation, and I wasn’t actually in the star system I spawned in due to the bug, I ended up not actually exploring the constellation at all but me being in it was still triggered.

im just suggesting it before someone does reeeeee

True, iA explained it above.

cause it’s too easy

I don’t know if anyone mentioned it, but our friend uses old clothes from ROTY
Instead of this…


Old school better :wink:

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I’ve just been paying attention to it for a long time…

I’m just glad it reacts when getting hurt.

The chicken in uc0.

iA, I’ve been trying to log in from 30 minutes, but the game’s not running. Any ideas?

Edit: It restarted working.

can in double team if the team was 2 number of a single boss, if i killed one the other be angry?
