Early Access version 69

Okay even if she does… Why should I care? I also use special weapons, almost everyone does

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Even if I do use them, I’ve more than already proven that I’m capable of playing without them, so, there.

And? Does it contribute in any shape or form to the conversation on hand?

Yes it does, I never enter in conversation without a reason.

Returning to the original point: provide clips.

If they are old, you know as well as me that the game and the player in question have far changed over the course of this period.

What does this do again?

Although improved skills will indeed reduce reliance on special weapons, I wouldn’t go so far as to say that they can ever replace special weapons altogether.

Special weapons have always been part of the game and are remain a valid strategy at both ends of the spectrum (both for novices, who don’t have the necessary skill, but also for elite players, who play at extreme difficulty levels). Part of the reason for this is the randomizer: it’s impossible for randomized waves to be as balanced, predictable, or ‘fair’ as hand-tailored ones. Given enough missions, you’ll inevitably come up against some combination of wave/enemy/environmental hazard that will necessitate the use of special weapons. And that is ok.

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It’s a server protection measure. It’s marked with a :gear: , so it’s not something that players should be concerned with.


I think the problem associated with special weapons in Universe compared to Episodes is that there’s a certain awkwardness with them: you have to buy them, and think aforehand, whereas you can detonate a missile as the opportunity presents it in the episodes as the missiles are given by the system. Perhaps a system of special weapons “slots” permanently equipped to spaceships can work in this scenario, with a certain amount of food having to be collected to be turned into a special weapon.

For example, if a ship has four special weapon slots, and one chooses to fill them in the following order: missile, mine, phase-out, and clucker bomb, the first 100 food gives the player a missile, the second a mine, the third a phase out, and the fourth a clucker bomb, and so on and so forth. These slots would also need to have a limit on how much of each type you can have, with the slots being upgraded to allow for a larger capacity. Of course, Universe has a lot more food falling, so you’d need to collect more than 50 food. Also different weapons can have different amounts of food to be collected based on the “strength” of them. This could effectively replace the system of buying them, and equipping them, giving the special weapons their flow and spontaneity they had in episodes

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I never said that skill should completely replace special weapons, though I did say that you shouldn’t rely on them all of the time, instead of your skill and I was saying that to fight the argument:

Since at the time of making that statement, I did not know of these “epic waves” and I thought they were just lacking skills (we were talking about nerfing the dimentional phase out special weapon). But then they showed me a few videos of these epic waves… and that’s where I have a problem. As I said in a later post, suggesting something to be done about these waves:

And I still stand by that opinion.

That’s true, but that doesn’t mean that some of them should be completely unfair, like these waves filled with mini bosses, that don’t give you a lot of space to move in.

That is not ok, as I said before, a difficult wave should be a test of skill, and not a test of pressing the special weapon button. The waves are randomized, I’m aware of that, but that doesn’t mean you can’t restrict specific enemies from spawning in huge amounts when a wave is randomized, I’ve seen you completely stop an enemy from spawning in specific waves, I am sure you can limit the amount of specific enemies (mainly, if not only minibosses) that are generated in specific waves. I hardly know anything about coding, but how about a system there are classes to enemies (for example, chickenauts being classified as mini bosses) and when the game is randomizing a wave, it will check the amount of classes it put, so let’s say the limit for a specific wave is 4 mini bosses, and the game put 10 mini bosses, the game will correct its mistake by replacing every mini boss until the number matches that of the wave’s limit(which will change depending on kind of wave and difficulty) that way, there won’t ever be waves that are just a bunch of minibosses (or something like that)

So i’m constantly getting points damaging a boss. Is that new?

Changed in v.70 :medal_sports:Idea


can you please read this and this if it’s possible?

iA if you use satellites+weapon while damaging a boss will you get more points or is it the same if you use weapon only? I asked because bosses can now award points when damaged.

Also is it possible to view top-10 leaderboard of an assignment mission after finishing it?

Could you make it from 100%? Like how 360o fiery attack of Twice Infinity starts from 100% diff for example.

Why wasn’t this Space Crab type added in CI4:

And could it be added in CIU?? You can reverse arms

Also now it’s been 1 day since this Space Race, so if the next on came tomorrow then it’s a 2 day limit not 3.


This has been done to make scoring more fair, mostly because of dares. Before this change the player who died in the beginning of boss wave and the player who almost finished it were given the same amount of score — 0. Now the one who was closer to the victory gets more score. The total amount of score you get didn’t change I think.

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I agree that it’s not the most elegant system possible, but special weapons (and perishables, more generally) are the main key sink (fuel isn’t really, because traveling is optional, plus you get your fuel’s worth back in exploration rewards). This kind of key drain is necessary to (i) prevent (or at least delay) amassing of keys without purpose (ii) motivate purchasing keys if you’re lacking them.

Sure, I could do that, but what would it achieve? It would place a cap on how difficult waves can be, and sooner or later people would complain that the game needs another (more difficult) skill level. It’s an escalating arms race, and each iteration caters to fewer and fewer players (with correspondingly diminishing returns on my time and effort).

Also, at the top tier, there’s always going to be some disagreement about which situation is “fair” or “impossible”. Buffing/nerfing at that level will always please some people while disappointing others.

Given that I can’t win either way, I’d rather take the option that involves the least work for me :wink:


It’s almost imperceptible for scopes, so not worth adding it in.

The message always says the expiration time (regardless of the red 1-hour warning)

I don’t like that idea.

You receive 1 point for each health damaged, so it’s irrelevant which weapon you use, if you use specials, satellites, or if you crash into it.

Where would that appear? There’s no space.

Fixed in v.70 :medal_sports: Idea

That’s an odd question. There are thousands of possible crab leg combinations that aren’t in CI4.

CIU has enough crabs as it is.

You still get the same amount of points for killing the boss. The “point-per-damage” is extra. So, bosses are worth more points in total now.


Good point.

Fair enough x)

Oh and I have another,pretty small suggestion. Can you please add the ability to edit your loadout from the equipment screen (before entering a mission) since that would be very convenient and shouldn’t take too much work, it’s just a bit annoying having to go back to my profile screen every time I wanna edit my loadout (mainly for the weapon I’m starting with since different weapons are better at different situations)


how about make space race theme locked on CI4 victory (even bosses)? Some music that
are calm kinda intercept the “on the rush” feeling (for me)

can military parade now have pecking orders bonus?