Early Access version 69

I’m not talking about not knowing whether I’m skilled or not.

I’m talking about being rude to drive home a point.

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I mean, I have numerous problems with epic waves and difficulty in this series in general. It’s a bit too bullet-spongy and while that buffed health may be difficult, a lot more projectiles on screen with less healthy enemies would be what I’d prefer.


No, saying you need to have more skill at the game when talking about if something is too difficult is not rude
Edit: at least I didn’t mean it in an offensive way, so sorry if you did get offended

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Someone who used to be on the forums had a massive grievance with special weapons in general

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That just an exception because buffing the phase outs would be totally useless

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I would rather just have more strategic placements for difficulty.

Minibosses at the back, commons in the front.

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sniff time to do it

IMO: Dimensional phase-out is…decent. it only do nothing but make you immortal for a while, and it also disable certain bonuses. Also a tool to skip/cheat THOSE WAVES that’s “impossible” to beat. Waves like that are completely random and no-one would ever waste their life to beat them? (unlees you want to because of “why not” or any reason). So my conclusion is…keep it as should be. also you guys know use too much phases will cause you to warp to another dimension?

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If you really want a nerf for Phase outs, just reduce how long it lasts. Make it 2-3 seconds instead of 5.

That way it’s less broken. No need to make it completely useless on epic waves.

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No, I take back what I said about the DPO, again, until these waves will be balanced (if ever)

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Though my point is immediately apparent in the first wave of Ironman- it just drags for no reason. It kinda kills the fun of those waves by needlessly dragging it out. At that point it isn’t challenging, it’s challengingly boring, and at times, painful.

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The only fun thing I find, in Ironman is honestly just the Double Team.

Heck, you can just make Ironman a 10 wave boss rush of double teams. Even that would be a perfect ironman.

I’d be fine with replaying it and memorizing patterns. I don’t play Touhou for nothing, you know?

(No, seriously. I play Touhou.)


(Sorry for multipost)

As a follow up to the previous post, I’d like to suggest another special type of mission, just like Ironman.
A 100% SSH 10 wave Boss Rush of Double Teams. No special weapons or Mountables are allowed.

It’ll be called “Universal Grandmaster”. Surprised? No need for Universal Grandmaster skill, this can work as the Universal Grandmaster.


and (if it’s allowed), a low chance (like i mean very very low) to get a double team in chicken invasions/boss rushes
other comp missions:
-weekly: same as stated above, low chance
-space race: since it’s a “Race”, and not Difficulty, Double team is not necesscary
-dailies: prohibited.
comets, asteroids, and supernovas: also prohibited.
these teams: Party and military chicken boss thing (idk) counted as “Brothers Reunited” so, double team with this specifice pair is unecessary
it will be a live saver for those who didnt/did but failed in ironman, and wanted double teams without the PTSD.


No, Double Team should be kept as exclusive content.


Eh, I guess.

But for those who aren’t experienced enough for ironman, I think the UG boss rush would be nice for them.

Plus, it’s got that one chance of you getting a rather absurd team

inb4 special forces and party time


And as a follow up to my previous post(s), I would suggest epic waves to be reworked, yes it was suggested before, but this is not okay. Difficult waves are supposed to test your skills, and not how many special weapons you currently have.

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It depends on the epic wave in question, gatling roulette is actually skill based even if the majority of the playerbase won’t get through that without using a special or dying. I guess making gatling roulettes an ironman special and boosting the chance where you’ll find them would be a decent idea. As for other epic waves such as miniboss spam such as chickenaut omnidirectional onslaught, I agree with you, that stuff is very RNG, and you could end up with an unavoidable wall volley of bullets.

I also have to point out slobs on corridor shooter, with cowards, at least you could wait for them to get to the middle or something, with slobs, not so much, aka why I hate them.


Or, reduce the health of the enemies and crank up the projectile count in regular waves. That way you have the “epic” factor of dodging whilst keeping the gameplay fast and liquid.

She actually use special weapons quite a lot, I’ve seen videos.

Show these videos?