Early Access version 69


Might I remind you that THESE waves exist?
Survive them yourself without special weapons and then perhaps I’ll render your dissing valid.


you have no idea what you’ve just got yourself into

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Well then, here we go.

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Hm…Okay I see your point now. But that’s obviously a very flawed wave design,and such thing should be changed, you should never be forced to use a special weapon to survive a wave.

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I wonder how many times we’ve brought this up already.


Huh… Well I had no idea… Did iA say something on the matter?

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I don’t recall, but wave generation does not bother me much. I never use special weapons anyway.

Okay, I do, but in VERY rare circumstances.

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they are overpowered enough, so increasing the price is enough, and balanced


Prob Special weapons destroy bonus is not enough I guess

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This feels like it’s out of cheat engine exploit to make it look like yourself on godmode

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Yeah but these waves are still very problematic, and I don’t know why iA are not doing anything them… Well you win, until these kinds of waves get balanced, the DPO shouldn’t be changed

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Tbh i would rather keep the price normal, don’t change it bc it’s good from those who suck at dodge bullets and maybe help you escape death

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So much for calling me a noob huh

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Sometimes you have to cheat death


This Purchase Will Be Increased Damn my most enough keys

Why does iA enough well

Mahal Na

u r n00b

just git gud

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not funny


Can you blame me for thinking you’re just not a skillful player?I had no idea such waves existed, and if they didn’t my point would still stand
Edit: my point about the DPO, not about your skill x)

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i think toxicity at first lol

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didn’t laugh