Early Access version 67

iA, you wanna purge two of these and ban more words (NSFW warning maybe idk)


why do friendly matches say you gained points even though it doesn’t affect your rating?


Can you make the chickens below the ball not above it to make it harder to defeat the chickens with the ball

They will polish with their heads

hmmm, pecking order of the original/top variant of bend/kick it like beckhen also counts the ball

Add the square or rectangular version of Chicken geometry like Ci3 Venus on CIU

(Chicken Geometry Square Dancing) Really!!

Don’t you mean Chicken Square Dancing?

iA, I noticed that if there’s a Balloon Chicken at the Pecking Order then it falls-off the screen, the Pecking Order still continues. It shouldn’t because Balloon Chicken is still alive.

I think the game counts falling Balloon Chicken as an killed enemy. Wonder if I can get Clean Sweep too.

Is it possible to make the sound depend on overheat amount? Like how Boron Railgun’s color changes slowly when overheating more, the sound could be thinner slowly while overheating too.

i said wrong
sequence ci4 from square dancing

He meant the wave from ci3 called Chicken Square Dancing

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Base Paint Density When!!!

We’ve already got enough paint ones in ciu
Edit: Begging iA for your suggestions isn’t going anywhere

I have a question, is this pecking order necessary for feather fields missions?

Well, good luck getting it

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When these will come?

After Early Access


why balloon chicken falls bottom every where?
gif :point_down: :point_down:


Is it a bug?(I don’t think so)
Sorry if it was previously reported
Sorry if it was an ability , too
And it can be an idea:
Balloon Chicken should be fall to gravity’s direction.

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Already Suggested


Will it change?