Early Access version 67

Well, good luck getting it

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When these will come?

After Early Access


why balloon chicken falls bottom every where?
gif :point_down: :point_down:


Is it a bug?(I don’t think so)
Sorry if it was previously reported
Sorry if it was an ability , too
And it can be an idea:
Balloon Chicken should be fall to gravity’s direction.

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Already Suggested


Will it change?

They’re meant to be annoying and they always fall straight down


Can we have a hitbox rework of all hitboxes?

Why do you want the hitboxes to be resized?

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CIU 2021-02-03 19-54-04-07
Too Many Pecking order from the replacements wave
(Remove the Pecking Order Until From [The Replacements] Wave) During Clean sweep chickens

clears throat Treble Trouble

look at the change log

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“Don’t ask to remove pecking order from particular wave”

That’s because pecking order minimum was reduced back to 4. And you won’t be able to get many pecking order bonuses at high difficulty.

reduced back to 3 then

It never was 3

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Then you will get even more. It was 4 in episodes, 5 for some time in CIU and now back to 4.

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RamonTokus had a headache trying to understand this and he needs someone to call an ambulance for him

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maybe not .-.

on my second thought, I think “yes” but you will need a bomb, missle or mine. :\