Early Access version 66

iA already said that. It’s pain to implement

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Then ask IA not us

In comet chase mission, at final wave is Mysterious Ship Boss, background is still running, but it doesn’t stop. - YouTube

looks cooler

Why do you want ia to add another boss in ciu?

This was already suggested who wanted mother-hen ship to fire in 5 spread wide on higher difficulties

Already suggested here by edd

umm iA, where is my medal

Your medal will earn soon.

lol actually this is my first medal , well yeah

.___. Seriously…?

It’s not that bad, it’s just a slight movement because of the png cropping. I’d say this is something inconsequential and is not worth fixing.

I open CIU, wait like this for 10 seconds or something, and then, This.

My game is in Fullscreen mode, not windowed, the Border is also missing and I can’t even play because I can’t see the ‘‘EA agree thing’’

UPD: The game goes back to normal after a restart.


Known. iA Still trying to fix.





Stop saying these things @Donny It will happen but wait.

He keep asking the same question everytime the game update. He won’t stop doing this until they added to the game

Yes he wants these new things so he is asking everytime. We should say for him to wait.

Remember the joke they did and it became a thing?

Yes I remember

  • my back supersized (bug)
    just why when i was playing super nova apple core came from my back not front ?
  • gray dare button (idea)

    can the dare button be gray when i want to dare person that i early dared or i can’t dare or i reached the maximum dare and have some notes that says “you dared this person earlier” or “you can’t dare this because this person have 50 points more than you” or “you reached maximum number of dare”
  • max and min difficulty (idea)
    can it have a max and min dif ? for example 0% - 100%
  • show difficulty

    can it show difficulty in front of “dare difficulty” ?
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iA, is it possible to add a chance for the Double Team to appear in dares (Except for Comet Chase, Meteor Storm and Supernova)? That would make it a bit more tense


It better be an Ironman exclusive feature. The game lacks end game content, spreading it out would be counter intuitive, in my opinion.