Early Access version 61.2

  • 2 things about this picture
    1.why there is not the early access box ?
  1. maybe batter to add a title in up if the early access text won’t be added

Does this really matter on the IAP screen?


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According to splash screen before main menu nobody reads, it does.


Fair enough

Is there any one, easily accessible place that we can go to see a complete list of content/perks that we get with the CHL? Moreover, will there be such a place after EA?

I’m pretty strongly leaning towards buying a CHL as soon as they go paid (and I have the time to actually play, lol, so maybe not straight away) - but I feel more comfortable spending money when I can clearly see what I’m getting in the package deal. I imagine I’m not the only one who feels this way.

(I’ll also mention that I would not be even considering it if it was a subscription-type offer, so the choice to make it a one-off payment is one that will probably earn you at least one buyer.)

Also, I seemed to get two CHL gifts from Stardrone. Known issue?

And one last bit of quick feedback - I think the automatic badge in the callsign would look nicer at the end, rather than in front. It “skews” the Leaderboard, like so:


Not a bug, purchased 2 times because I wanted to be sure it was sent


Well, it worked. :wink:

I wonder what happens if someone is gifted a CHL but doesn’t “recieve” their gift (by logging in) until the CHL goes paid… hopefully there would be failsafe code in place for that.

where can i find this compitition?

It will be available from your mail inbox on Wednesday. :wink:


I even quoted the whole information above. I guess he didn’t bother to read.


it happens when I try to install the windows update

Many users can’t play the game


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how is that windows 10

they didn’t give any screenshot, the screenshots were from two other users.

well the game is unplayable on windows 7, remember

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That might be happening either because they have a lower DX version than DX12 or because their game settings have the fullscreen value set to “yes”

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@InterAction_studios the ship in the icon should have blue paintjob, because the default paintjob is blue

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oh so i joined twice, cool (same time as CHL purchase)

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How did you do that if system prevents you from both buying and gifting CHL twice for the same account? If this is even related.