(yes, I’ve hit every single thing in “Cloudy with the chance of eggs” wave but only got the “multi-kill” bonus)
Edit: During the bossfight, the health bar for each boss doesn’t show after damaging them.
When danger zones are on the bottom it means to stay in the middle because obviously the other 3 directions are dangerous by default, besides panders can appear from any directions not only at the top.
Why can’t Multi-kill medal be awarded more than once the a single wave when you does its requirement more than 1 time?
I think Sweater Chcken should be removed from Double Team if the screen won’t zoom-out more, what do you guys think:
Remove it.
Sorry for that many polls.
The only environment that’s missing in Ironman is Frozen environment, it should be added. If you say “but there’s Hot environment too” I’ll tell you “there’re chickens in space too ”.
IA Chick Lasergun should removed from the wave “Panzer Strike” because he doesn’t stay in one position, so you don’t have to move to avoid his laser attack.
iA could’ve added the frozen in the mission but it against physics and it makes no sense. How the hell could ice stay in a over thousand degree environment?