Early Access version 61.2

It’s not how it works however, This game automatically closes your game which takes you to the official website leading you to grab yourself a chicken hunters license

But that’s for buying the CHL, something you do once and it will cost money. The new features don’t need to be in a website.

EDIT: I don’t mean it has to be removed from the forum, but that the CHL needs to be in a website, unlike the new features.

A Question: can you buy CHL with google pay?

If on the Google Play Store, then yes

Maybe buying it in the website will be enough for all platforms, but it’s also possible that it is on Google Play like with the other games.

Well “how the hell are there gravity in space” but there we go. Nvm, 50% of that suggestion was s joke anyway.

is it normal to have two normal egg cannons in one boss rush

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Yes. Mission generation is random. The more bosses — the less possibility of meeting the same twice.

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why the BX-9 (bomber) spacecraft with mouse is slow but with keyboard look’s faster ?

They had the same speed with any input method, someone tested it before.


Yeah, same for spacecrafts in Massive Environment planets. Move them a bit slowly with mouse and they move faster. If you move fast, they move slower.


who did that?
the +40%

In this mission you are forced to use SSH(Superstar Hero) skill, so that’s why it adds 40% to the mission difficulty.

I think he probably meant who made that suggestion, probably.

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It’s an Ironman Competition lol

There’s gravity even in space, that’s why the Sun can revolve around the Milky Way.

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Made for true hell.

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I’d personally like to see an Iron-Hen boss at the end of every Ironman Competition, one that shoots lasers out of its eye or something i dunno

True, but it doesn’t matter in CIU, they mostly fall down.

Next time break the rule of physics not too deep