Early Access version 61.2

Small quality of life suggestion: CHL badge should be shown in gifting list.
I wanted to test gifting system but there is no way (other than in comparing stats) to tell who has it.

It’s just to save time

We tested this with Francis and looks like it worked. One thing I’m questening tho, I remember buying CHL for myself twice. First time it didn’t register on my in-game account for some reason, maybe because I closed window with purchase result before entrering the game.


I wonder why I received this today when CIU v1 came out on december 15th, not 14th

now I have two


Probably because this was a leap year

Well, it has been a full year. Tomorrow it will be a year and one day.

Also, it was a leap year, so that might be a bug? Not sure.

And also… congrats. That’s pretty awesome. :joy:


Fixed in v.62 :medal_sports: Bug

They move all over. They stay at each star system for 1-2 hours, then move on.

They stop tracking you once the warning appears. This is necessary, otherwise it would be impossible to dodge. In this particular wave, it’s a happy coincidence – you wouldn’t be able to survive otherwise.

It’s random. Theoretically, you could have 50 in the same system (don’t hold your breath, though).

Correct. That’s a limitation intended design decision.

Why did you apply the update? Were you having the same E_NOINTERFACE error as @stefan6u?

Already fixed. It’s caused by an incorrectly saved texture.

Why not? Chicks are always ejected. What’s special about that wave?

Sorry, mistake. Medals were renumbered :man_facepalming:

Windows caches icons so they can become stale sometimes. There are ways to clear the cache but it’s more trouble than it’s worth. Google it.

Try installing the Windows 7 Platform Update: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=36805

Let me know if it fixes the problem.

If you try to gift to a player that already has one, then you’ll receive a message saying so (you have to select the CHL first though). I can’t remember why I did that – probably because the contacts list doesn’t have access to CHLs. Will revisit this.

I just count 365 days since your registration. So, yeah, it would not work correctly for leap years. Allowed to stand. :man_shrugging:


It’s meant to be splitted into three armored chickens instead of having chick’s to be ejected

Please read this too

You were supposed to private message ia in dm’s

Read my posts
I uploaded a picture that I massages IA

Why henterprise is not like this?


You must have got SOME medal, just not the correct one. Did you get an EA participation instead?

Anyway, I’m working on a fix. Be patient.

Ah, right. Well, it still splits into 3 armored chickens, so it’s fine. Allowed to stand.


Are you sure about that? :upside_down_face:

I’d say just have them keep aiming at the spot where the ship previously was until they fire, rather than hold the same intended firing angle which will not hit anything if they move. This would at least still make them a threat for some waves.

For the case of a Wheel Of Fortune, it would just mean “Stand in between the beams”


so this is the medal


I see two initiations, but only once purchase. Perhaps you didn’t click on the “Get for FREE” button in the browser? You need to do that for the purchase to be actually executed.

In any case, since the payment system is independent from the game, there’s always going to be a race condition if you gift to someone at the exact same time they’re buying for themselves (or if you keep two browser windows open and pay on both). I’m notified about these situations, but it’s not until payment is complete (which is too late). I guess I’ll just have to issue refunds manually :thinking:


Chick Gatling Gun explodes too and now drops a chick.

They can’t be taken back, can they?

And contact/squadron list too.

Let’s see you eject yourself from that ship real: how could that chicken eject themselves while they’re literally stuck in their ship with only their head pointed out?

Plus about Gatling ejection: the chick survive the explosion of a machine without any protection is too weird.

Just clam down.

Wait until Spryter sees that.

You Said Clam Again

Again this emoji lol

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