Early Access version 59.3

Would look extra cursed as they have no explosion effect, only splat and omelette moving down on your screen.

Wait, blast from the past already does that… Well then fine, I agree.


the shell already took their place.

Or the other guy just smoked too much

Now I confuse this recuirt.

Is most active rewards multiplied by 3 too?

@InterAction_studios why at supernova missions it doesn’t say wave * of *?

Could gifts be disabled from “The Weakest/Strongest Link” wave? Because if you’re with a Bomber and you don’t want this weapon you’ll have to end session and that’ll make you lose points.

How about making the first wave “caution”

Same with the feather fields with “threat detected”


also how about adding the “Incoming!” wave name for meteors (maybe randomised appearence alongside the “Meteor Storm” wave name


Doesn’t seem possible. Besides, it also encourages the player to get used to weapons they don’t like.

Just check daily hard worker.

In that case, can we add the “Incoming!” to Meteor Storm as well? Speaking of which, can we change “Wave” in Comet Chase to “Warp”?
“Warp 8 of 14”

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I found a bug

The U.C.O moves earlier than the laser ends

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That’s bound to happen if you’re on a high difficulty

Interesting, I crashed CIU and checked the 59 folder and see this thing


What does it mean?

it’s a screenshot taken by the game a frame before crashing

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Sorry,I just had a bug.


Already reported

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I know.

Fix the :zap:2 too?

But it ain’t no bug

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I know.Just die on egg cannon and it still :zap:0 so IA will fix that or no?

It goes down to 0 on the egg cannon only because of this already fixed bug


ESC should always work… gamepad is irrelevant. Which menu is this? The in-mission pause menu? It doesn’t work if you have a gamepad connected?

Added to v.60 :medal_sports: Idea

This is an old account, last active in May 2019, shortly after medals were reset:

Because that space is taken up by “Incoming:”. You can see the waves at the bottom-right anyway


