Early Access version 59.3

It’s because if you grab the keys after the wave value sets itself to the next one and end session it’ll be as if you never collected them, can’t be fixed easily


Very pain, this is why I’m scared of end session


Workaround: do not end session until end of wave.

Even better workaround: never end session


That’s it! You guys forced me to do this.

@InterAction_studios can we have a mirrored variation of “Sweeping Swoop”?

Also are these alts of KADİR:


oh now you’ve done it

iA: no

hOw DiD yOu KnoW? yOU’rE nOt Ia.

he wiped his callsign on the main account and removed contact from everyone lol

Can you eggin’ not?

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You guys kept talking about that and it became ridiculous, so here’s a little price.

Kadir guy


Oh, he’s still with me:


Didn’t you read chatting place?

He already did, mate.

@SA-GoldenBoss128 Only thing you’re doing right now is adding oil to the fire you created. Mirrored waves can be cheap content but big amount of them is just getting annoying because “remember all waves” skill which is hard to achieve becomes useless. The game slowly turns into “stay in center -> hope enemy won’t fly on screen faster than you can move away” and in my opinion it’s bad. More of that, bombers and hot environment makes it even worse.

The perfect example of annoying mirrored wave is “Spiral of doom”.

Oh, also: every time one of your mirrored waves gets added, it shuffles mission generator seed which makes some people lose epic waves for getting nothing instead.


I don’t care if this 11 hours ago, but using the fucking developer to pamper your whims is not only a scummy move, but also WHAT THE HELL? Do you not get what gamedev is? C++ is complex as it is (I’ve tried it once, it was pain) and then mirror waves make it all confusing. The flute wave mirrored is confusing, beckhen is easily cheeseable, and anomaly waves? Don’t even ask. And the cherry on top is you want to nerf all enemies and buff plasma. I’m more worried about the game turning crappy and then in turn not even the best advertising methods would be able to save it. Do you realize that?


Flipping a Wave, or Mirroring them in general, is quite bottom of the barrel to be honest.
Except for some waves. Some are worth flipping or mirroring, but for some, it’s just completely pointless and often times, confuse the heck out of players.

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The coward chicken that we all were taking about in version 58 is this.

They are too annoying!

I really don’t want the whole game to be nothing but mirrored variations of already existing waves. We already have enough mirrored waves, and we don’t need more to be added. What benefits would the game get from mirrored variations? either just mirror something that actually is worth it, or just Don’t.

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