Early Access version 58.2

This is kinda useless and only works for some people if you have modified music but still worth to suggest.

Yeah, locking the music and it will not go away, even closing the shop for you to listen to that music while exploring the galaxy and stuff. The music will unlock when you want to, logging out or starting a mission.


Call it Radio Station

This is literally the perfect time to call it that

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the radio thing is the thing I wanted to suggest a long time ago

should yolk start spinning only when you start shooting him or not

No. It has always been like that. Even in CI3.

Yolk Boi wouldn’t look cool if it doesn’t move by rotating, would it?

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ok,though i think it will look better if yolk spins from beginning of second phase and not when you shoot him

and more you shoot him, faster he will spin

This wave is “Asteroids, no really” but information in pause menu is still “Asteroids”. Typo bug i guess.

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That’s probably because “No, really!” text is like additional description of wave written in smaller text. I’m sure same goes for U.C.O bosses.


“no really” is the subtitle.

But if it bugs you, perhaps the Asteroids wave can be renamed to Meteor Shower.


Bossa Nova’s dead. 99.99%?




Nothing is truly dead, a part of us lives on, and that… that .01%… lingers in the form of our legacies, our gifts to the world. Choose wisely what they would be, for with only those, one can ascend, and become truly immortal, for dying from memory is the only death that matters.

Obvious /s, your life means nothing lol


i said it can be 4 or 5 as a maximum number :\

Why there’re only chicks at parts of “Waving in the Breeze” wave like the bottom part?

You’re thinking of multiple flagships, which is a different (but related) issue. I’m talking about multiple slot layouts. Conceptually, it would be like having 90 (+skill+music+bg) missions slots, split into 3 sets of 30, from which you can only choose one set.

But yes, what you’re proposing could also work.

Both these limits can be circumvented with a little bit of effort (I won’t reveal exactly how here). I need to think of a solution that protects not only from accidental/innocent misuse, but from malicious abuse as well.

Why not?

Design choice.

Because the indestructible ‘chunks’ also have 1 health (technical restriction). Not worth fixing.


Because collecting them can cause time. Example if “Show’em Who’s Boss” was the final boss or Space Crab.

Could it be replaced? I’d love to see them full of Egg Ships.

Which is another skill requirement to win the space race: collect them as fast as possible. Even better for challenges.


@InterAction_studios can cowards be disabled in “Sweeping Swoop” (the zoomed-in one)?

No please, why you want this tho???