Early Access version 58.2

if it did so, it would be more logical for it to happen on both sides than just one

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What’s wrong with the sounds?

when I go to the left side of the screen the sound is almost completely lost

It’s probably because of stereo panning. If this bugs you, you can disable it.

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@InterAction_studios I have only one squadron, so why when I assign a mission the squadron list appears? It should be automatic, require only one click if you have one squadron only. So could you disable the list is there’s only one squadron?


Already suggested by thisistrueuser:

And IA said it’s not worth it

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No, sadly squadrons aren’t sellable.

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Dang! I remember suggesting it along with other stuff but iA didn’t reply to it but replied to some other stuff. But thanks for telling me anyway.

In my opinion it should. Like the automount feature. And especially that when viewing the squadron list it stops your mission bonus.

Does it say that warning in its description? It should.


You’re welcome dude.

Well yeah it should be, but naturally not.

No, it doesn’t.

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Re-coding squadron selection screen just to save 0.5 seconds doesn’t seem profitable imo.

And auto-mount is just confusing.


Why when viewing squadron list it stops the player bonus?

Yea, to new players but there’s a message explaining it.

When you an insight can you buy it twice and it expires in 2 days instead of one?

In this photo we see that the score of the text is very close and there is a space in front of the numbers.

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Iirc that was already reported and discussion stopped at the point that “It doesn’t overlap — it’s ok”.


Fixed in v.59 :medal_sports: Bug

Confirmed. But I have no idea why the behaviour would be different between (i) starting up in fullscreen and (ii) starting up in borderless and changing to fullscreen later.

It’s possible your computer entered some kind of sleep state while you were away (which would explain the error).

Fixed in v.59 :medal_sports: Bug

Acknowledged. Won’t fix.

Noted. You say that setting windowed mode directly works, but not when you try to change to it from within the game? Odd. Perhaps it’s related to the full-screen issue above.

It’s actually oscillating between hitting and missing the barrier (because your spacecraft kicks back when you fire). There was a post a while back about the same issue. Can’t be fixed.

Are you running fullscreen/borderless/windowed? Please try all 3 options and report back if anything helped.

If you place DLLs in the game folder, they will override the system ones (provided they have the same names). This is a general Windows feature, it works for all applications. But you need a DirectX 11.0 replacement (d3d11.dll) – plugging in Vulkan DLLs is definitely not going to work.

Free system memory, GPU type, GPU memory, and desktop resolution.

I haven’t look at them in detail yet, but I see several people running the game on integrated Intel GPUs with 64MB VRAM, so… :roll_eyes:

Added to v.59 :medal_sports: Idea

That’s actually not possible in the way the groups are implemented. I tried adding a protective bubble. It kinda works (although bubbles sadly don’t block AoE) :medal_sports: Idea

Not really sure what the problem is.

Technical simplicity and better user experience. Showing the list (even with a single squadron) also allows you to cancel the operation (there’s no confirmation when you click the button).



Perhaps put a few barriers in front of the tangled mess? That way the AoE won’t reach immediately.

But they aren’t blocking AoE at all* neither.

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Yeah, the bubble has the same effect as the barriers (as far as AoE is concerned).

Hm. How about making them spread out faster?

They already spread out as fast as possible without appearing choppy. And besides, regardless of how fast they spread out, there’s always going to be a window when they’re vulnerable.

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I fond a bug in “Magnetic Manipulator” boss. There is no transition between CI3 Victory Theme and CI5 Victory Theme in Meteor Storm missions.