Early Access version 56

It makes sence: more → higher. That’s why line goes to the side of higher value.
Also not all people think using special weapons less is better.

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Just bad luck I assume, also we still haven’t seen a boss rush on weeklies

How about a button that transforms the another person’s Spacecraft paintjob to your Spacecraft, it will cost the same key amount as if you customized it yourself, it’ll be more expensive if the person is not in your contacts (or it could be cheaper if he is in your contacts idk).

Also paintjobs can be added in the store where people sell their painjobs for others to buy and when someone buys a paintjob OP gets a reward, he’ll be notified about how much key % he will get, by default it could be 20% or 30%, there could be markets for paintjobs at some star system where paintjobs can be cheaper to buy, but when you sell it at a market it will only be available at that market, but when someone buys your paintjob you will get more % than at the regular store, you will be notified about how much % you will get, like 40%, 50% & 60%.

It could be luck as Francis said since it’s possible anyway, but I think that maybe once a month Weekly Challenge could be 100% Chicken Invasion because nothing beats the original Weekly Challenge in my opinion.

Yeah, mostly only Comets & Meteors, especially Meteros, like we only saw Supernova once and it has the same weight as them, I think something is wrong since Weekly Challenge is mostly Meteros. I think Meteros Storms show up at every Weekly Challenge since it got hybrid.

Maybe, so you’d be annoyed and buy more :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably so, but I doubt. I’ll try it again next time. I know I didn’t choose the same song. If I did, then oh well.

This one is good

This one is already suggested at least twice but I won’t search the link right now because time zones. Just search for paintjob codes, I’m sure you will find it.


Uh so, I didn’t play the dailies into CIU yesterday, as you can see in the leaderboards:

But for some reason, I received the Daily Winner(Hard) medal:


Top-10 Reward: 1 day 3 hours ago

Medal Awarded: 5 minutes ago

It’s because you won Hard the day before.




ok then

What the…


It’s a known CIU bug:

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Planets can turn into air if they want to


@InterAction_studios I just got kicked out of the server for no reason. I think you need this:

(btw in case you say you don’t provide support for modded games, this mod worked perfectly fine 5 versions in a row)

UPD: Sorry for Discord voice noises.

@InterAction_studios I’ve noticed at the mirrored version of “The Bubble Wobble” that the bubbles stay longer at their first time only.

Also there is something at “Lethal Connections”: since enemies always came from the top-right (that’s why I suggested a mirrored version of it) and if you fire whatever weapon you have on them when they are besides their barriers you can successfully kill them, for example: Laser Cannon, it’s impossible to kill the enemies with it without staying between the enemies & the barriers, but you can kill them without needing to do that when they show up at the beginning (when there are no distance between them & the barriers). This could be an exploit to earn “Early Bird” in this wave even with Laser Cannon.

And why at waves like “Nasty Surprise” you can get “90% coin collection” medal? Or it doesn’t count in “Career medals awarded”?

At “Blackhole Skipping/Hopping” wave: to earn “Pecking Order” you have to wait for enemies to enter a blackhole & get out of the other one first, why you can’t kill them at their first appearance?

Doesn’t really matter much.

Because each egg and alien UFO you break drops a coin. Also, the 90% coin collection medal is awarded PER STAGE.

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I mistook too, because of its size. Medals you receive per waves are small and the size of coin collection medal was small like other wave medals.

There are 2 food medals: One will be awarded per waves and another per stage, so why not making a coin collection medal per wave? :slight_smile:

EDIT: ezgif-4-738423b95912 This medal should be awarded for collecting coins per wave and a new larger coin medal for getting %90 coin per stage.


Can we make each Feather Wave drop a weapon gift?

They already do.

oh, maybe im blind or was offline 2 months ago :b