Early Access version 55.3

Do you mean the wormhole acting “weird” by having gaps and looking weird when you zoom in? That’s because the wormhole is 3D, so it’s not a bug.


It’s stated in “Known Bugs & New Features” since v8.1 I think.

Wormholes will be clipped incorrectly if you zoom in too close.


Good thought, but I flew the weekly twice and didn’t see it either time. :wink:

Because they were added later in the game. New missions are always inserted at the end.

The current damage sharing on Absolver really hurts it. I’m planning on disabling it (i.e., making it work as it used to). It might be overpowered against certain bosses, but at least it will be useful again.

I don’t think that’s appropriate. Boss rush should naturally be rarer.

Yes. At around 0% difficulty there are zero UFOs. But everyone gets the same wave, so if other players got a UFO, so should you.


:birthday: :partying_face:
I am happy.


OK, so how much it weights now? Is it 0.125?

Also how about the speed of the H&Cs and Müllers increase at massive missions according to the rarity of the Spacecraft?

Please check this [post-Early Access version 55.3 - #96 by T-59]

thank you

IA did you made UCHO Encouter appear in CIU?

nope he didn’t

Who want IA to make UCHO Encounter appear in CIU to give him revenge?

  • I want
  • I don’t want

0 voters

Already suggested and already existed.

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I made it again if someone really want UCHO Encounter to appear in CIU because he want to take revenge so what is interesting than fighting him and give him revenge.

As said, already suggested.

Ok no problem

What do you guys think of this idea:

  • Good Idea.
  • Nah.
  • Neutral.
0 voters
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YES I want the final form of UCO or UCHO!!!

We don’t need a 5th uco for now

I was waiting for this, thanks iA


What’s the difference between UCO and UCHO?

Once we had a voicechat on the CID with iA and Donny misspelled Uco like that, and for some reason it became a meme

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