Early Access version 54

On the other hand, it doeſn’t give any information about the prevalence of theſe opinions relative to all the people on the forum. An additional option would have given ſome indication of that without much additional trouble.

I already did that, I even replied to myself so others can see the other poll.

Because some people still agreed that some enemies should be removed at the other poll, so I wanted to see their opinions.

I think they shoot at multiple sides.

Will try that.

I guess… but what if they shoot randomly at you position?!

This isn’t a solution…

I don’t have problems with the others, but because BoredCelestial hated UFOs I thought I’d add the other enemies too to see if people have trouble with them or not.

They shoot only if you hit them, and they have a small delay after hitting them

It’s not like his bullets are so big, just move temporarily to another side of the corridor

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Yes, that’s what I quoted, it was a reply to traveller.

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Then sorry for the confusion then :sweat_smile:

I forgot to mention that I use either fork or plasma mostly plasma to avoid slobs attacks and with bombers so it’ll be hard to do that.

you didn’t point at that one at first, lmao

Now to be sure is this version of it added? Because I never saw it:

Also at visitors from another dimensions wave sometimes the portal spaw toxics at the very bottom right of the screen which means that if I have weapons like plasma and used a bomber I can’t kill it without using special weapons or satellites because I will die too, so could they be prevented from spawning that close to the edge?

It’s named “Whip into Shape.”


Let me say it again, before suggesting a wave variation, make sure it’s not already in-game. Yeah, you might find the wave variations have some weird names, but try to note them to remember them.

Didn’t he do just that?


You really don’t have to repeat that sentence, besides it some waves rarely appear, so I can’t remember them all.


Well, you could read old versions changelogs (46, 47, 48, 49 and newer). Most of them show that their variations have different names.

I already remember your first one,I’m just saying that you don’t have to repeat it.

Actually, that player hasn’t entered orbit the wormhole yet, so the green dot still shows up.(Source: I checked that player and they’re too far compared to an entered-orbit player)


or they interrupted their trip right when they are near wormhole while travelling to another star system near it but it looks like he’s in wormhole

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I noticed something it possible a boss duplicate 2 times in boss rush and that is boring

That’s intended.


but it is still i killed the iron chef two times in the same mission

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Feather brain’s eyes:
right black eye is between the white eyes.
and a Joke:


That happened because the mitosis of his eyes is interruptted. So actually he has 1 eye