Early Access version 54

Fixed in v.55 :medal_sports: Bug

That’s expected. It’s only a bug if you see them moving almost horizontally.


I noticed that in the Weapon Training mission, Iron Chef still play gift dropping sound even though there is no gift. @InterAction_studios is this a bug?


I found a bug in iron chef boss
When you have absolver beam and you are in 20% with 1 click it should give 2 gifts but it give 1 gift

I mean they move horizontally&vertically, but they move horizontally slower that’s all, so I don’t know if it counts?!

Wait, I thought this bug was reported before?


Should the Appetite Attractor stay in the game?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

My opinion is yes (never used it) but it should be disabled in competitive missions


While it is a fun powerup, it needs to exclude weapon gifts and powerups from food and coins since it becomes a lot easier to pick up a weapon that you didn’t want to.

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It is useful in waves where food cannot be obtained by obstructing the barriers.

It may be useful but it is mandatory to be in the leaderboards.
In my opinion it should be treated like mass condensers in race.

It was added to allow bombers collecting keys\food,not to rely on it for score

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I don’t see the need to remove him from the game.

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Me too.

(And that is what I voted for)


@InterAction_studios please read this

It’s intended, and please, stop rushing iA like that

yes, same as other people, remove it the competitive missions (all)

Ok, then:

  • Should Appetite Attractor be disabled from competitive missions?
  • Nah, it should stay.

0 voters

Why? It requires a loading ſlot, which means that there are trade-offs (as always).


I may be missing something (due to me playing challenges just for easy keys) but what it is used to fill slots in competitive?

Special weapons hurt your score (medal-whise and space race-whise) so they aren’t reccomended to be used… I guess

Weekly and “hard” challenges can be easily completed without any superweapons but extra lives anyway.

One slot isn’t a good trade off when you have more than 25 avaiable to fill with extra lives only

What I’m aganst is that appetite attractor is necessary to be in the leaderboard. It offers too much value (strategic and litterally) without barely any disadvantage.

I may add that AA was meant to help farming food and keys, not points. But I already stated this


I wonder if empty ſlots ſhould be awarded points. I ſee what you mean about ſpecial weapons no longer beïng neceſſary.

I juſt think the game ſhould force players to make choices rather then forcing them to all play in a ſimilar manner.


Looks at epic waves.

Also, you forgot that everyone have the opportunity to put appetite attractor on their mission slots. It’s not like they’re rare stuff and keys can be easily farmed. Both are practically abundant.

It’ll be much worse if challenges can be repeated multiple times without penalty and keys are much rarer instead.

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