Early Access version 50

Well, I made a poll too

What is your problem now?


I don’t have any problem, what I need is I see no one complaining about people making polls.

Then what is that?


What did Qbus do? I think nothing

the answer:



I already removed the mention. I knew that @Nikito become a poll complainer, not @kokokokos. (Sorry qbus for the ping)


Mistake, sorry for that.

You spent “yes” keys for all those special weapons! Neat :love_you_gesture:

Iſn’t it juſt diſguiſed automatic fire? The clicks don’t correspond to the projectiles.

@minasam123 It’s too early to make a poll about the new mechanic. We have to leave it long enough for people to get used to it.

I know that it’s early, but I see too many people hate it and fight because of that, so that’s why.

If it wasn’t obvious before that you don’t play the game whatsoever, it definitelly is now.


i dont understand why do you guys hate overdrive system i kinda like it. also i know people have their own opinion and this is mine opinion.

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Shouldn’t the 120th Anniversary mission also be “competitive” in terms of disconnecting and drops RNG?

  1. I play ſignificantly more than the target audiënce.
  2. I’ll admit that at the time I wrote that I had not played v. 50. I was goïng baſed off of what I knew of the mechanic, i.e. that ever clicking ſlowly kicks it into overdrive mode, in which the fire rate is increaſed to a ſtandard level, thus, there is not a 1 to 1 mapping between clicks and projectiles. I reſt my caſe. (EDIT: I have ſince been corrected.)
  3. This argument aſide, I don’t ſee why you are ſtill not ſatisfied with the overdrive mechanic. It does ſolve the balancing problems that came with variäble overheat.
  4. Don’t be a dick.

Eh, I feel like the reſtrictions ſhouldn’t apply. Moſt people don’t play it competitively, and there are multiple ways to “win”. I think the reſtrictions would be oppreſſive on the caſuäl gamer.

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The way “competitive” system functions now is very good for both casuals and competitive players. Disqualifying from leaderboards doesn’t affect the casual player’s resources or chances to complete the mission successfully at all.

Then please, at least read the patchnotes before commenting.


Could we paint Cockpit borders too?

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I suggested it the first:

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