Early Access version 50

The danger zones won’t appear if you use a skill harder than Veteran


OK, mr coffin

If you do not like the zones being not marked, play veteran or below.

Yeah, but you don’t have to comment rudely.

Reported by @Francis, I was also going to report it, but I realized (by myself) it only applies to the new ones. :sweat_smile:

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EDIT Button.


There’s a period of 10 minutes around midnight (GMT) where tables will be empty (because the day has changed, but the stats haven’t been calculated yet)

I don’t know how this can be solved. I’ve made a note to look at it later.


Ok, since I see many people hating the overdrive system, and some like it, I will make a poll to see if people support it or not.

  • Overdrive should stay
  • Manual fire should come back

0 voters

It could stay, it might be a really fun feature, but in needs to be more polished, so it isn’t just disguised manual fire.


We’re still testing, it’s too soon to make a conclusion.


I actually like the new overdrive system, but it needs a overheat nerf about 25%

It should rely on reactors or heat sinks, or there should be perishables to reduce its manual overheating speed.

Having the increase itself be dependant on the reactor (maybe on the amount of unconsumed power?) could be interesting. At least it’d be a good reason to use an overkill reactor.

As for the overheat reduction, that would just make it so that there’s pretty much no point in firing the weapon normally. Overdrive is meant to allow you to condense your firepower. You’re not supposed to use it all the time, only when you can afford to trade the overheat time in exchange for a DPS bonus.


yeah really ? try out the ustensil poker ._.

UP is one of my main weapons and its overheat is nothing compared to neutron.


oh yeah sorry my mistake

They’re like Plasma Rifle now, I know who is gonna be the most benefited one Coolant Caniste :laughing:

Indeed. It’s so hard with this new overheating.

How many polls are gonna do? Am I the only one seeing 3 same polls in a row?

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Is there any problem when I make them? pls, you should stop complaining about me and @Francis making polls.