Early Access version 50

Fixed in v.51 :medal_sports: Idea

Note that the music will still fade out before boss battles (that’s another issue).


Isn’t it a bug?

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It’s both. This time I leaned more towards idea.


This is based on yesterday’s discussion. I don’t agree with this change, I think it will cause excessive drops on some waves with many enemies. You need to let me know if you observe this in your challenge missions.

A better solution would be to limit the gifts and atoms individually, or (frankly the best solution), just leave it as-is. If some people want to waste their life testing out different kill orders in the off-chance that they might get a marginally better drop, then I see no reason to stop them :wink:


Thank you!

Honeſtly, I don’t get why there’s ſo much focus on balancing everything. I mean, on the one hand there’s the weapon balancing, which attempts to make all the weapons equal as well as making their ſtats eaſily compared (hence the perſiſtent 11 firepower model), and on the other hand there are moves to remove all RNG from the miſſions, ſo that everything is equal for everyöne. Juſt accept that you win ſome and you loſe ſome, and when you loſe blame it on bad luck rather than thoſe three times you ſtupidly craſhed into a ſlow-moving egg.

Alſo, here’s a thought for you: ſince the drops are now identical each time you fly a challenge, it would be entirely poſſible to, ſay, write down the dropped weapons in the weekly as well as the waves that come up, and then uſe that info to work out the beſt ſtrategy for your ſecond playthrough. Juſt ſayin’.


:bulb: Skills are now disallowed in competitive missions (@1galbatorix1 :medal_sports: Idea)

I think that I suggest somethink like that Early Access version 22 - #140 by gabytzu on june 2019


Alſo, rather than diſallow skills in competitions, would it be poſſible to make it ſo that you could ſtill fly them non-competitively? Given that there aren’t any normal 100 wave miſſions, it would be nice to ſtill be able to fly the weekly on a different skill.


I would like to suggest something. When Corn Shotgun is overheated and pops baked popcorn, the smoke should be white after firing.


@KaizoKaioticVN spammed a lot on this topic and we got flagged for spamming and writing off-topic replies, But let’s not fight over that nor go off-topic.

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You probably shouldn’t have brought that up


Medal changed.

Fixed in v.51 :medal_sports: Bug


So far people have been commenting about the loss of keys when playing the challenges on rookie vs when playing on ssh

I’d really like to have some longer normal missions too tbh


@InterAction_studios Can this bug be fixed or not possible to be fixed or it’s not worth fixing or whatever?

Well, I’ve increased the beam limit by 10%, but the end will still be visible during extreme screen shakes.

There are other similar known cropping issues during screen shakes. You’re not supposed to be pausing the game during large explosions anyway :wink:

kind-of-fixed in v.51 :medal_sports: Bug


I’ve been thinking about the issue of gift drops in challenges, and I think I might have a potential solution. I don’t know how hard it would be to implement such changes to the RNG, but I figured it might be worth mentioning it.
What if instead of the game randomly selecting a weapon for each gift that spawns, it would randomly assign to each wave two weapon drops, let’s call them weapon_A and weapon_B.
The first gift that spawns in the wave gets weapon_A assigned to it, and the second one gets weapon_B assigned to it.
That way it wouldn’t matter whether the wave has 2 or 20 enemies that drop gifts, each player would get the same weapons, in the same order. I’m pretty sure that combining that with separate limits for atomics and gifts would fix the problem completely.


Fixed in v.51 :medal_sports: Bug


:bug: Multi-kill bonus: Now awards 250 points for each of the first 10 enemies, then 275 for the next 10, then 300 for the next 10, etc. (@Akemisora :medal_sports: Bug)

@InterAction_studios Uhh, wasn’t @Fractorial the one who reported this?


Right you are.


Oh ok

Wait, does it mean we can get as many power ups as we wanted?