Early Access version 49

@InterAction_studios is it possible to make the Satellites move in a horizontal direction when the player die in Squawk Block and 120TH Anniversary missions, so he can get them back easier?


That’s a good point, although it’s worth noting that upping the damage would alſo allow people to ſhoot faſter as they wouldn’t have to wait for the thing to charge up ſo high.

A workaround could alſo be to buff Abſolver half of the theoretical amount, but alſo increaſe the charging rate ſlightly (and vice-verſa when it needs a nerf). Alternatively, Abſolver could be exempt from the automatic balancing on the baſis that it’s one of the outlandiſh weapons that juſt needs to be left alone.

Not a significant enough tradeoff to have 20k DPS with Riddler’s level of overheat. You can’t have both.
Either we bring the overheat time down (preferably to around the advertised 5.9s) or we nerf its damage output to around Riddler’s level (no more than 14.5k-15k). I’d rather have it the first way around, since it makes it a bit more interesting.


There is a maximum manuäl firing rate which prevents autoclickers from beïng more effective than actuälly doïng the work yourſelf.

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That’s a very good point that I hadn’t considered. It might be a bit less problematic than I thought.

I still think it’s a good example of the idea that just pushing the damage around isn’t going to be appropriate for every weapon, though. iA is always talking about adding other new, unusual weapons - who is to say the next one is going to be just as “outlandish”?

I asked recently if anyone here uses a tablet. For someone who plays osu, commonly, the left hand is used for clicking since the right hand is used for aiming via tablet. It is possible to reach a much higher click rate by “streaming”, where you use your 2 fingers alternately at a very fast rate.

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It’ll ſtill be capped at 6,5 ſhots per ſecond for moſt weapons.

is that 0+ necessary ?

Look at reactor’s power increase when upgrading

it does increase not decrease so it shoud be +64 not -64

it is a negative number


The negative numbers increase with - not +, only the positive increases with +

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Fixed in v.50 :medal_sports: Bug

Fixed in v.50 :medal_sports: Bug


It’s borderline, but I consider it cheating. You are externally modifying the rules of the game (in the same way that using an aimbot would).

The server logs instances of autoclickers, it just doesn’t do anything about them (yet). Detecting them is always going to be an uphill battle, so I’m currently leaning towards nullifying their benefit by removing the whole manual/auto fire mechanic and replacing it with an “overdrive” mechanic. Manual/auto makes weapon balancing practically impossible (because you have to assume that maximum manual rates are used constantly)

Overdrive: If you simply hold the button down, you’ll fire at the usual rate (which will be set to the largest of the current manual and auto rates). While you click manually (even at a very slow rate of 3-4 clicks/second), you gain a fixed (independent of your click rate) bonus to your firing rate (say, +25%). That’s all. The heating rate remains the same, which means you overheat faster. You’ll still eventually have to stop after the same total damage (destruction), but you’ll have a choice of condensing more firepower during certain periods.

It’s a far-reaching change and I’ve yet to work out all the details, however.


That’s good. It encourages people to play with the rules instead of rely on a program to reach clicking speeds that are beyond human.


Wait, I thought I reported it first?


Is this “fixed” as in the ſame for each weapon? That’ll require a complete rework of certain weapons (ions ſpring to mind).

Given that moſt weapons are capped at 6,5 ſhots per ſecond and many players (or ſo I gather) are perfectly capable of clicking that faſt, I don’t really ſee the iſſue.
Although, I’ve never really underſtood why people would uſe an autoclicker as it ſeems like a way to reduce control. But then I’ve never ſeen one, ſo I don’t know what kind of UI they generally have.

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Power consumption is always negative. As you upgrade the weapon, more and more power is needed, so you get more and more negative.


I meant in the past. 20/s riddler.

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Sorry, fixed.

Not sure. Could be constant, could be dependent on the weapon. I don’t think it matters particularly.

What would need to happen before this boost is applied, however, is to reduce all of the weapons’ rate of fire (so boosting it would still keep it within reasonable bounds). Say, maybe reduce them to half-way between their current manual and auto values. The projectile damage and/or enemy health would be adjusted accordingly so there would be no perceivable gameplay change (just less projectiles on-screen, which actually has the side-benefit of improving game performance as well).

But that’s “phase 2”. First, manual firing will be removed altogether and rates will be set to their current maximum possible.


What about lightning, plaſma, and poſitron? How will clicking effect thoſe?