Early Access version 46

@InterAction_studios I use bomber, and while warping if I move downward its exhaust suddenly becomes normal.

Edit: Looks like it’s not only when warping, but all the time moving downward it gets suddenly becomes shorter

Edit 2: In general, it’s not a big deal for shorter exhaust, but for longer ones is really weird looking

@InterAction_studios the text info of ghost trail is not fitting up, so the “100% off” text covers up some info:

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:bug: Fixed bullets disappearing before they leave the screen completely (caused by “Removed debugging aids” fix in v.46) (@505 :medal_sports: Bug)

Thats the same when the ufo falls, if i kill someone and they eject, the uco dissappear, but enemy not
Edit: Sorry Mina, i wasnt going to repling you :frowning:

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It’s okay.

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Is it possible to gray out the other daily challenge missions when you click a daily challenge mission ?

I clicked all the missions at the same time :open_mouth:

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But a player suggested it the first:


he said to lock the daily missions the player completed
I said gray out the other daily missions when you click a one so you can’t click all of them at once

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Oh, i got it.

In supernova missions during a wave that has a satellite box destroying supernova debris after destroying the satellite box sometimes decreases the progress meter


@InterAction_studios Could you give us a hint when clicking on the submit button while it’s disabled on the feedback screen?

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Does that happen to waves without satellite boxes too? Because if it happens even with or without the satellite boxes, Then that’s because when you kill the debris it splits into smaller debris which gives you more enemies to kill. I think that’s why. (Correct me if I’m wrong though, Because I think I misunderstood).


yes it does happen to waves without satellite boxes too

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Then this is the answer.

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Collecting an atomic power-up resets the plasma’s AOE effect is it intended ?

Well, and the same happens when you stop firing, it resets, so it’s intended, because once you collect a power-up, a lot of things reset (like heat, AoE, etc…), just like the when you charge the absolver and you pick a power-up, it fires and the charge is reset, it’s almost the same, so it’s intentional.


It also gets bigger when you move forward. That feature’s been there since CI3.

Known. Read the OP.

Fixed in v.47 :medal_sports: Bug

Not really. It’s benign anyway.

% progress ALWAYS goes back whenever new enemy health is spawned (such as when a chunk breaks up into two pieces), UNLESS the damage you inflict per projectile is very significant compared to the enemy health.

Example: Assume a wave with a single chunk with 200 health, which splits into 2 smaller pieces of 50 health each.

Case 1: Assume your projectile damage is 100. Your first projectile hits, progress % is 100/200=50%. Second projectile hits (another 100 damage), causing chunk to break up into two pieces. % progress is now (100+100)/(200+2x50)=66%. So % progress INCREASED from 50% to 66%.

Case 2: Assume your projectile hits for only 1 damage.

Just before you destroy the chunk, % progress is 199/200=99.5%. After the break-up, it’s 200/(200+2x50)=66%. So % progress has DECREASED from 99.5% to 66%.

No point. This whole screen will be eventually removed.


Well, the same is happening with the ICBM. when i fire a ICBM, and it continues travelling, it disappears once it touches the edge of the screen, not once it leaves the screen completely. Is it already fixed or it’s intended?

Not really. The ICBM is fully out of view before it gets deleted. Only its exhaust disappears abruptly, but meh.


Alright, but what about this:

Fixed in v.47 :medal_sports: Bug