Early Access version 46

I don’t think this is a good solution to the problem.

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And what if I don’t like that background? Everyone should be able to play well with any of them.

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Alright, I agree with having the option to turn them to white.

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Update Plasma’s description to include the AoE perk?


Impossible. The flagship is there. You probably just mean “it’s not marked by the flag icon”. Added to list.


Update the Lightning Fryer’s description to include the chaining ability?

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Now that Plasma Rifle has Aoe effect, but I think the beam’s colour is too dim compared to its aoe. Can it have gradual colour change (become brighter to match the brightness of aoe) as it ramps up?

Why does sometimes, the AoE effect of Plasma Rifle doesn’t deals damage to the U.C.O although its hitbox is in the effected zone?

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The effect is not close enough to dmg it. To solve this, we could enlarge the effect to damage it.


As for The Trash Compactor wave, can its anomaly zone moved to thr right for the left facing and vice versa? Thus it enable player to clear the other side after one.

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Sorry for my blindness, then.

The AoE radius is constant, but since it’s 50% of the power, weaker power levels naturally cause less damage.

Fixed in v.47 :medal_sports: Bug

Fixed in v.47 :medal_sports: Bug

It says that.

The AoE has already been made more translucent in v.47

Fixed in v.47 :medal_sports: Bug . It can even damage the Yolk-Star now :open_mouth:

Changed in v.47 :medal_sports: Idea


What’s this weird flaring dot when I’m using Plasma Rifle manually?

Just for sure, my in game callsign is HaiAn112007

It’s not weird, this is just how AoE appears when you fire it manually.

It’s probably the AoE that hasn’t had a chance to expand yet? It should become less visible in v.47


Taking the server down for 10 seconds to recover a lost account.

:warning: Be more careful with your account data, you’re inconveniencing other players every time you lose it.

From now on, no accounts will be recovered unless you’ve lost at least 2 weeks worth of progress.


thanks god my acccount is 54 days old

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Mine is 74 days old

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@InterAction_studios I use bomber, and while warping if I move downward its exhaust suddenly becomes normal.

Edit: Looks like it’s not only when warping, but all the time moving downward it gets suddenly becomes shorter

Edit 2: In general, it’s not a big deal for shorter exhaust, but for longer ones is really weird looking