Early Access version 44

Pacman, cut it out.


That filter could also be added to favorite missions/assignments/to-do stuff



Fixed in v.45 :medal_sports: Bug


What does it look like?


Probably colorless :v


But Im already daltonic :confused:

what baout this?

Can we fix this?
This Exaust dont rotate with the spaceship, so probably the others exaust of this type dont rotate aswell, yes they doesnt… (Just like absolver beam did before)




oke :ok_hand:

Can we make Egg City shoot more projectiles as it goes low health like apple core does with barriers?

Also it would be nice if the egg cannon spawned more kinds of chickens
Oh, and for the henterprise too


I don’t know much about English so I find writing posts in English a little bit difficult I am thirteen years old so my knowledge of English is not big


Don’t worry, we’ll understand you easily ^^

Is there any real reaſon to make it impoſſible to re-aſſign miſſions that were aſſigned to you?
Alſo, why can’t you aſſign a miſſion that you’ve already aſſigned?


I wanted to avoid cases where the same mission passes from player to player. They would hurt exploration. Everyone would just stay put and play challenges and assignments.

Similar reason. If you want to have your own squadron (or more than one), you should be active enough to support it/them.

I was also worried that you could get into weird loops of assignments going to player A → B → C → A, or that you’d find one lucrative mission and assign it 100 times.


To that end, somehow ſtopping people from aſſigning all the miſſions they fly would help. What about a daily limit or ſomething?

Alſo, although I get why the “aſſign miſſion” button is blocked for an aſſigned miſſion, why is the “add to favorites” button alſo blocked?

An alternative method for miſſion aſſignments that would involve more travel would be for the alert to ſimply ſay where the miſſion is and which it is, without giving the player the opportunity to fly the aſſigned miſſion unleſs they go there. This would alſo reſult in ſquadrons ſticking together more, which in my mind is a plus. If you were to go this route, though, the reward for flyïng an aſſigned miſſion ſhould be higher, preferably with a key reward as well.

On a completely unrelated note, what exactly does “additive magic” do? On the ghoſt it’s a really cool effect, but on the lights it doeſn’t appear to change anything at all.

I alſo wanted to ask if you could make ſeparate colour controls for the port and ſtarboard lights, ſo we can do claſſic red/green or whatever.

EDIT: I realiſe that putting ſeveral ideas in one poſt ruïns the liking mechaniſm, ſo I’m adding this poll:

  • I agree that a daily limit on miſſion aſſignments per ſquadron is a good idea.
  • I like the idea of making ſquadron members go to the location of aſſigned miſſions before flyïng them.
  • I’m alſo really curiöus about the “additive magic” ſetting.
  • I would alſo like ſeperate port/ſtarboard light colour adjuſtments.
  • I juſt like the author’s writing/thoughts but don’t want to expreſs ſupport for any of the aforementioned.
  • I love checking checkboxes!
0 voters

I would’ve liked to have put the poll under a details ſection, but the ſoftware refuſed to coöperate.


It’s the same as on the ghost trails, just less noticable. Might depend on the colour you’re using, as well.
If you can’t tell the difference, increase the duration of the “ON” setting to the maximum, so the lights are on all the time. Then see what it looks like both with and without the option


@InterAction_studios Can the damage stage being invoked immediately get putten on difficulties >80%? this is probably unfair for new users…
OR in other words, can you undo this change:

:bulb: Egg Cannon: Upon entering a new damage stage, that stage’s newly introduced attack is immediately invoked

Because TheChickenBoss128 did not mean for it to be invoked.