Early Access version 38

What a breakthrough idea! Imagine what they would be like if the idea were implemented!

Where is it?

You need to buy a key insite to see them

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When the mouse is captured, then by definition it’s not allowed to leave the playing area, so the “show cursor outside playing area” is meaningless. That’s why it’s disabled.


IA, where is “clean sweep” in supernova wave?, because supernova keep spawning

Can the pre-mission screen show whether we have the Waves Insight too?

also “Shapeshifters” and “Let The Games Begin” waves have Clean Sweep when nothing can flee away

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Wave “Bullet Spray” doesn’t have “clean sweep” bonus although the chickens can be escape, right?

It does have it at the moment. You might have destroyed a UFO near the top of the screen where the saucer hits the upper edge of the screen and disappears, denying you the Clean Sweep bonus.

It made me extremely uncomfortable :anger:

@InterAction_studios Does the rumbling wormhole sound is supposed to sound in the retro missions? If yes, this is amazing! Even if this is bug I would want to stay like that. If its intended good job! The sound really adds more atmosphere to the retro missions :slight_smile: .
EDIT: When I end session and bring back is gone.


It also disappears when you play retro from saved missions. Acknowledged.

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I get this error massage when I traveled through a wormhole to another

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“Chicken interleaving” wave also have clean sweep bonus, although the chickens can’t escape

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Fixed in v.39 :medal_sports: Bug

Fixed in v.39 :medal_sports: Bug


Do you remember which two wormholes they were?


Velaut’emtilan to Tenanto’mwan

Ok. Will check. Did you try it again to see if it works the second time?

It did work on the second time

@InterAction_studios the “clean sweep” bonus on “chicken roulette” is a bug too?

That was fixed in v.37: