Early Access version 29

The scroll bar works normally, exactly as mentioned in the message. It’s only the overlap that I see as a slight problem.

Let me remind you that you are in space. Maybe only for hot planets and stars.

Let me remind you that this game doesn’t have to make sense

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Let me remind you that chickens are apparently in it,too.


then it would be roasted chicken :joy:

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k u won

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Ah, I understand now. Mentioning “1920x1080 borderless” threw me off-track, because this ‘bug’ has nothing to do with resolution.

Alright, fixed in v.30
:medal_sports: Bug


I got again same message with “Key Rush Mission 1” and i can’t play it


Did you play the one in the previous message?

I had the same thing and I did play the previous one.

Then that’s why.


If it isn’t too much of an hassle, do you mind explaining in detail the mechanichs of these new chicken breeds, like you did with the bomber?

Isn’t it more interesting to find it out by yourself?

If asked then I don’t care. I may speculate, but I want to know the details.

I always thought it would be more interesting to figure these things out on one’s own, but for anyone who’s interested:

Coward: Always tries to move away from the player. Will only attack when damaged. Doesn’t drop as much food.

Toxic: Will never attack, but will create a lingering area-of-effect toxic cloud when destroyed. Cloud will survive a single missile explosion (two explosions will clear it).

Slob: Always lags behind in formations. Will drop food gradually as it’s being damaged. 1.6% chance of retaliatory 360o attack each time it’s damaged (attack will survive a missile explosion).


I also noticed that cowards often turn away from the player in static formations, or just turn in the direction with dynamic formations, making them shoot only from THEIR bottom, thus resulting at odd angles. Suprisingly intresting for such a simple thing.

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For some reason, the Slob reminds me of the bonus ship from Space Invaders.

And it actually makes sense, but you should know why.

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Key rush message told me I already done it but I don’t remember doing it :thinking:. How can I see results of previous run?

That’s not possible. But I checked manually, you played it on 2019-09-09 20:22:38. Lost after 38 waves.

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