Early Access version 18


Can you add this mission, please?

This mission from Chicken Invaders 3 Chapter 10. and I want this mission for Chicken Invaders universe!
I know that Meteor wave was added by @InterAction_studios. but what about this picture? it’s a mission NOT WAVE!


Isn’t this planned already?

I know that Meteor wave was added by @InterAction_studios. but what about this picture? it’s a mission NOT WAVE!

It’s like a read meteor but contains storm!!

That’s…exactly what I’m talking about.

@Nikito Fixed in v.19 :medal_military: Bug medal

@anon27929001: Fixed in v.19 :medal_military: Bug medal

@ChickenInvader45: Fixed in v.19 :medal_military: Bug medal

@gabytzu: Fixed in v.19 :medal_military: Idea medal


Forgot to say this earlier, but coins at the bottom are often unreachable

Yeah, nothing can be done about this… see Collect coins

how about adding a mirrored variation of comet chase missions!!!

From the top will be very easy.

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I love the fact that you can change the color of GUI, but some colors make font barely readable. For example, it’s hard to see text with black color.

(Black color, Hard to read text "atleast for me" )

These 3 colors have that problem.

@InterAction_studios is there any way to make the font white for these colors? I love the black color, but it’s just hard to see the text.


Why your time section is green?

He changed the UI color.

How? I love this color!

Thank you😉

@InterAction_studios When you are on the travel view, don’t have enough fuel and them buy some without exiting the travel menu, the Buttons don’t update:

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Two things:

  1. When the galaxy is regenerated, could you make it ſo that darkneſs miſſions don’t appear on ſtars? I mean, it juſt feels wrong.
  2. The main ſupernova waves on maximum difficulty are too eaſy. While I think that moſt waves are, they’re ſignificantly eaſiër then ſtandard miſſion waves at the ſame difficulty (with SSH equipped, of courſe).

A bug or problem.
When I change the UI color, the first menu does not change the color. It’s blue.