Early Access version 123

Hello guys, I wanna say a thing…

We need a chatroom to communicate our contacts, and a live notification button with a beep sound that draws attention as soon as someone speaks.

Yet, the only functions that the contacts section does is just playing some friendly matches and limit the multiplayer to contacts without any tool to invite them when they’re active…

Make the buttons on the phone port disappear similar to the bossbar when your ship is near it

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i didn’t know that enemies can escape in the default retro invaders waves until now, and i noticed that the enemies that swoop down and reappear from above end up disappearing instantly once the group leaves.

found this in chicken invaders 4 first, then checked if it was here as well


While the poll hasn’t closed yet, so far, most of the participants have voted for consistent food falling in comp missions, as shown by this screenshot

what, I thought that was changed to the “burning” effect.

corona effect in missions that’s not “hot + massive” is ok. (you can make the corona slighly weaker if needeed)

medal idea: Medal of [insert name here]
Awarded when you don’t use any booster (overdrive/accumulator) in your loadout (50.000 pts)
Art concept: wtf idk how to draw ah hell nah

yeeeah, inhibiting the main mechanic of the game for a medal

So when you change the app in the mobile port while the game is active or when closing the screen it instantly crash is that normal?

We have known that Supernova mission is only found in Sun (Hot & Massive). So when will we see Supernova in a planet with Frozen & Massive? Will they look like the objects from wave 74 & 79 of CI5?

Also, you forgot this:

IA can you do something that when we are customizing the spawn shields the shield doesn’t disappear?

If we use frozen debris that will look cool

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@InterAction_studios Can the default color theme sold in shops change to match the edition of the game (For instance, during Halloween, the default color theme will match the same green colors as the main menu)
A default blue color theme in your collection remains unaffected.

Should the color themes sold in shops change to match the main menu theme in editions?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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Suggestion: Remove the bottom danger zone in “Vitsitor From Another Demension” since in my experience there are none portal come from bottom

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Alternatively, we could just revert it back to the original Safe Zone it had in CI5, only this time it’s smaller so it doesn’t mark the corners as safe. I don’t really understand why it was even changed to Danger Zones in the first place.

  • Revert back to original Safe Zone but make it slightly smaller
  • Remove bottom Danger Zone
  • Leave it as it is

0 voters

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I remember in “Look In All Directions” the chickens do spawn in the bottom

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I found something, when you use two shockwaves in row the second shockwave won’t destroy the enemies bullet
When I waited about 1 sec and then used the second one, it worked.
I think IA should do something that when the bullet is connected to the shockwave it should be gone not just the moment that it’s fired

it’s unfortnuately the only special weapon that can’t destroy projectiles when aura hitting cuz it already cleared the projectile before the aura reaches to enemies

because u used the second one right before the first aura touched coward, it didn’t clear that

@InterAction_studios Can you allow more than 1 CIU process run together during Early access and in Beta version?

You can launch both steam and standalone version at once.